Waterland Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Waterland Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 46.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Tom Crick apologize to Price outside the pub?
(a) Tom thinks he wasted the students' time in his history class.
(b) Tom shouts at the barman and has them both kicked out of the pub.
(c) Tom doesn't really know either.
(d) Tom promised Price a lift but now is too drunk to drive.

2. What does Freddie Parr do to Mary as revenge for setting him up to lose the competition because she knew he couldn't swim?
(a) He rolls her in wet mud until she is totally covered by it.
(b) He steals all her clothes and forces her to walk home naked.
(c) He holds her under water until she nearly drowns.
(d) He slips a large eel into her knickers.

3. What marks the end of Ernest Atkinson's political career?
(a) He runs as a candidate for the Liberal Party.
(b) He offends the mayor of Gildsey.
(c) He sneezes in parliament during a speech by King George V.
(d) He opposes the unionization of dock workers.

4. Whom does Helen Crick ask to see when she is on her deathbed?
(a) Dick.
(b) Harry.
(c) Tom.
(d) Ernest.

5. How does Harry Crick find out that his son Dick is in love with Mary?
(a) He overhears Dick talking to himself about Mary.
(b) Dick angrily shouts at Tom to stay away from Mary.
(c) Mary's father, Harold Metcalf, asks him to keep Dick away from Mary.
(d) Dick asks how babies are made.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Harry Crick the truth about Freddie Parr and Dick?

2. What game are Tom Crick, Freddie Parr, Peter Baine, and Terry Coe playing with Mary Metcalf and Shirley Alford on the banks of the Hockwell Lode as Dick Crick looks on?

3. Who says, "explaining's a way of avoiding the facts while you pretend to get near to them?"

4. What is the title Ernest Atkinson gives Dick in the letter?

5. What gives the Atkinsons the decisive advantage over the other brewers in the Gildsey area?

(see the answer key)

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