Waterland Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Waterland Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 33 | Chapter 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sort of proof does Mary offer that Dick cannot be the father of her child?
(a) Theological.
(b) Ideological.
(c) Physiological.
(d) Psychological.

2. How does Harry Crick find out that his son Dick is in love with Mary?
(a) He overhears Dick talking to himself about Mary.
(b) Dick angrily shouts at Tom to stay away from Mary.
(c) Dick asks how babies are made.
(d) Mary's father, Harold Metcalf, asks him to keep Dick away from Mary.

3. Who says, "explaining's a way of avoiding the facts while you pretend to get near to them?"
(a) Tom Crick.
(b) Price.
(c) Lewis Scott.
(d) Mary Crick.

4. What is the question Price asks Tom during their evening spent together that shakes Tom most deeply?
(a) Whether Tom isn't actually happy about having been fired.
(b) Whether Tom truly loves Mary.
(c) Whether Tom has ever considered ending it all.
(d) Whether Tom even would want to bring children into the world as it is.

5. Why does his most outspoken student reject Tom Crick's attempt to teach the class history?
(a) He thinks Tom is senile.
(b) He thinks history is imaginary and doesn't matter.
(c) He hates school in general, and Tom is easy to pick on.
(d) He thinks Tom is lying to the class.

Short Answer Questions

1. What about the scene at the Lode does NOT remind Tom of the later scene of Freddie Parr's death?

2. What sparks Tom Crick's interest in the mating habits of eels?

3. What does Ernest Atkinson, Tom's grandfather, do that marks the beginning of a long list of scandalous behavior?

4. On what days does Tom stay at home at night because Dick spends the evenings out with Mary?

5. How does Tom react to Mary's statement that "everything has changed" with Freddie's death.

(see the answer key)

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