Water for Elephants Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water for Elephants Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jacob beg Marlena not to do?
(a) Perform with the zebras that night.
(b) Perform with Rosie that night.
(c) Perform with the horses that night.
(d) Perform with the clowns that night.

2. What is August suspicious of?
(a) Stealing by one of his employees.
(b) Jacob and Marlena.
(c) That Rosie is not intelligent enough to learn a performance.
(d) Job cuts by Uncle Al.

3. How does Jacob convince Uncle Al to allow Marlena to return without returning to August?
(a) Jacob convinces Uncle Al August no longer loves Marlena.
(b) Jacob convinces distance will make Marlena and August's relationship better.
(c) Jacob convinces Uncle Al that Marlena is too distracting for August.
(d) Jacob convinces Uncle Al that August is dangerous for Marlena.

4. Where does Jacob wake the next morning?
(a) Inside a clown trunk, wearing clown makeup.
(b) In the big cat car.
(c) In his own room.
(d) In the big top.

5. What does August want Jacob to tell him?
(a) Where Camel is hiding.
(b) What Uncle Al said.
(c) Where Marlena is.
(d) That he will quit the circus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who becomes drunk at the party in Chapter 10?

2. What does a nurse refuse to bring elderly Jacob in Chapter 13?

3. Elderly Jacob suffers two disappointments in chapter 19. What is the first?

4. What has caused this illness?

5. Who performs with Rosie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Uncle Al want young Jacob to do in the aftermath of Marlena's choice to leave August?

2. What happens when Jacob has too much to drink?

3. What does elderly Jacob learn about Rosemary that upsets him?

4. Who becomes ill, forcing Jacob to examine him?

5. Why are Camel and Walter thrown from the train?

6. What surprise does Marlena arrange for August after Rosie's first successful show?

7. What happens after Jacob and Marlena escape the club?

8. What does Uncle Al use to increase ticket sales?

9. Why did Marlena marry August?

10. How does Jacob convince Uncle Al to keep August from Marlena?

(see the answer keys)

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