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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Rosie do when she sees the exit to the menagerie tent from the big top?
(a) Rosie runs the opposite direction.
(b) Rosie stops, refusing to move in any direction.
(c) Rosie runs to the menagerie tent.
(d) Rosie tramples a clown.
2. What does Jacob discover about Rosie?
(a) Rosie speaks Russian.
(b) Rosie speaks Latin.
(c) Rosie speaks Polish.
(d) Rosie speaks Spanish.
3. Where does August invite Jacob to go that night?
(a) To a seminar on animal care.
(b) To a nightclub.
(c) To a new restaurant.
(d) To a church service.
4. Who does Jacob want to see?
(a) Camel.
(b) Marlena.
(c) Uncle Al.
(d) August.
5. How do Marlena and Jacob get separated from August?
(a) They get lost on the way to the church.
(b) The restaurant is so crowded, the lose eachother in the crowd.
(c) They go to different seminar classes.
(d) The police raid the nightclub.
6. Why is elderly Jacob frightened?
(a) He has chest pains and is afraid it means a heart attack is coming on.
(b) He calls Rosemary Rosie but cannot remember doing it.
(c) He cannot remember his wife's name.
(d) He forgets where he is.
7. What compromise does August come up with for Rosie?
(a) Rosie is to perform with another performer.
(b) Rosie is to be put on display in the menagerie tent.
(c) Rosie rides in the parade on a hippo wagon.
(d) Rosie is to dance to another type of song.
8. Why does Marlena refuse to leave with Jacob immediately?
(a) She wants to say goodbye to her friends.
(b) She wants to take her horses.
(c) She wants to get some money from her stateroom.
(d) She wants to take Rosie too.
9. How does Jacob convince Uncle Al to allow Marlena to return without returning to August?
(a) Jacob convinces Uncle Al August no longer loves Marlena.
(b) Jacob convinces Uncle Al that August is dangerous for Marlena.
(c) Jacob convinces distance will make Marlena and August's relationship better.
(d) Jacob convinces Uncle Al that Marlena is too distracting for August.
10. What does Jacob do while in this tent?
(a) Drinks all the jake.
(b) Throws up on Barbara's friend and passes out.
(c) Falls asleep in the middle of a meeting.
(d) Argues with circus policy.
11. Where do Walter and Jacob hide Camel in the meantime?
(a) In the big cat car.
(b) In the cookhouse.
(c) In their room.
(d) In Marlena's state car.
12. What does Jacob use to pay for the doctor?
(a) His father's pocket watch.
(b) Kinko's pay.
(c) His pay from the circus.
(d) Illegal alcohol.
13. What is Kinko's real name?
(a) Robert.
(b) Stuart.
(c) Laurence.
(d) Walter.
14. What gift does August offer Jacob for his help with Rosie?
(a) A gold ring.
(b) A new job.
(c) A new watch.
(d) A raise.
15. How does Uncle Al use this death to increase ticket sales?
(a) He offers free souvenirs in her name.
(b) He makes her body an exhibit with the side show.
(c) He does multiple interviews about the sadness of the situation.
(d) He throws a funeral parade.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Jacob see beating a stampeding Rosie?
2. Who performs with Rosie?
3. Where does Jacob wake the next morning?
4. Who has a fist fight?
5. Why did Marlena marry August?
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