Water for Elephants Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water for Elephants Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Sara Gruen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 13-14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Jacob taken after it is decided he will remain with the circus to examine a sick animal?
(a) To Uncle Al's private car.
(b) To the clown car.
(c) To a car split between horses and a small room once used for goats.
(d) To a prison cell.

2. What has changed between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2?
(a) The characters. Chapter 2 contains a new main character.
(b) The tone. Chapter 2 begins after a new tragedy in Jacob's life.
(c) The plot. Chapter 2 introduces a new conflict.
(d) The setting. Chapter 2 takes place in Jacob's past.

3. What does Jacob retrieve from the camel and zebra cars?
(a) The barrels of alcohol.
(b) The barrels of sweet grain.
(c) The barrels of meat.
(d) The barrels of valuables.

4. What does the barker do to reward Jacob?
(a) Gives him a promise of a permanant job.
(b) Gives him a security job on the cooch show.
(c) Gives him money.
(d) Gives him a promise of future aid.

5. How does Rosemary react to Jacob's anger over the blinds?
(a) She yells at Jacob for acting so rude.
(b) She leaves and re-enters the room as though she has just arrived.
(c) She calls the doctor to increase his medication.
(d) She calls another nurse to deal with his attitude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Jacob doing just before the stampede begins?

2. Who arranges for a doctor?

3. What does the doctor prescribe for Jacob after his outburst at dinner?

4. Where does Jacob end up sitting to eat his dinner?

5. What does Jacob see someone do to August at the end of the prologue?

(see the answer key)

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