Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Medium

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Medium

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What school does Yazmin name as the school Ginny always told her she would be attending someday, even though Yazmin was still a little girl at the time?
(a) Berklee School of Music.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Juilliard.
(d) New York University.

2. What was the name of Elliot's two-year-old little sister who died as a result of her mother not giving her a spoonful of water every hour when she had influenza?
(a) Mary Jo.
(b) Mary Lou.
(c) Mary Jane.
(d) Mary Margaret.

3. How much below Blue Book value does ChutesAndLadders say he is asking for his car?
(a) $300 below.
(b) $1,000 below.
(c) $500 below.
(d) $250 below.

4. What does Orangutan use as a pillow while spending the night on the train platform in Sapporo?
(a) Her souvenir kimono.
(b) A trash can lid.
(c) Her backpack.
(d) Her sweatshirt.

5. Why does Fountainhead assume that Haikumom has been to Puerto Rico?
(a) Because he sees that she is Puerto Rican when they meet in person.
(b) Because she has a keychain with a map of Puerto Rico on it.
(c) Because he himself has been there many times on vacation, so he assumes others have as well.
(d) Because she always talks about Puerto Rico.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who runs to Odessa's side and holds her once she is discovered?

2. What does the 911 operator tell Yazmin when she asks what do while she and Elliot wait for the ambulance to arrive?

3. What literary device does Elliot declare to be present in Haikumom's choice of computer password once he figures it out?

4. When Orangutan reveals online that Elliot has struggled with pain medication addiction in the past, how many times does she say he had been hospitalized due to drug overdoses?

5. Who shines a flashlight onto Orangutan and offers her his assistance?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about Odessa/Haikumom's question to John/Fountainhead about whether his original crack dealer had been male or female?

2. What is the significance of the water wings' presence on Clay/ChutesandLadders's desk?

3. What is the playwright's purpose in having three different scenes play out at the same time in Scene Eleven?

4. How does the play's theme of the relationship between past and present play out in Scene Ten when three different events happen onstage simultaneously?

5. What is the significance of Odessa/Haikumom's whereabouts and actions during the time her sister Ginny's funeral is taking place across town?

6. Why does John/Fountainhead lie about how he knows Odessa/Haikumom when meeting Elliot and Yazmin?

7. What kinds of qualities does the audience surmise about Ginny's character through hearing Elliot and Yaz deliver her eulogy?

8. What does John/Fountainhead finally admit just before Elliot and Yazmin enter the diner?

9. How does Odessa/Haikumom respond to John/Fountainhead's admission that he had minimized the depth of his addiction in his first post on the forum?

10. What does the light represent within Scene Twelve when Madeleine/Orangutan is awakened on the train platform by the policeman's flashlight and Yazmin sees a light above Odessa/Haikumom?

(see the answer keys)

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