Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Medium

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Medium

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the stage directions indicate should happen onstage when Yazmin and Elliot try to lift Odessa onto the couch?
(a) They should lift invisible air as Odessa gets up and watches them struggle.
(b) John Coltrane music should start to play.
(c) A spotlight should appear on Odessa's face.
(d) The stage should go dark.

2. What is the address of Odessa's house?
(a) 33 Manitoba Street.
(b) 33 Ontario Street.
(c) 33 Quebec Street.
(d) 33 Newfoundland Street.

3. For how many months does Elliot reveal to Yazmin that his struggle with a severe addiction to pain medication lasted?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 4.
(d) 8.

4. When Orangutan chats online with ChutesAndLadders from the Sapporo train station, what subject does she tell him she has just researched?
(a) The construction of the giant hydroelectric dam in Hokkaido.
(b) The straightening of all rivers in Hokkaido.
(c) The flattening of all hills in Hokkaido.
(d) The construction of the Sapporo train station.

5. What does ChutesAndLadders plan to do with the proceeds from the sale of his car?
(a) He plans to buy a train ticket to go see his son.
(b) He plans to buy a plane ticket to Japan.
(c) He plans to pay his overdue rent.
(d) He plans to put a down payment on a brand new car.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many abandoned homes did Ginny refurbish and sell to young families prior to her death?

2. What school does Yazmin name as the school Ginny always told her she would be attending someday, even though Yazmin was still a little girl at the time?

3. What does ChutesAndLadders find inside the padded envelope he finds on his desk after he trashes his office due to an online argument with Orangutan?

4. When Orangutan is at the Sapporo train station and is chatting online with ChutesAndLadders, what objects in America does she liken to internet cafes in Japan in terms of how ubiquitous they are?

5. When Odessa's unconscious mind is speaking her thoughts onstage during her overdose, how many times does she say she has ever been to an airport?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Odessa/Haikumom's instructions to John/Fountainhead after she regains consciousness in the hospital?

2. What do Odessa/Haikumom and John/Fountainhead find that they have in common when they first meet at the diner in person?

3. Why does John/Fountainhead lie about how he knows Odessa/Haikumom when meeting Elliot and Yazmin?

4. What simile does Odessa/Haikumom use to describe trying to stay clean when she states that the support forum helps her fill the hours?

5. What are the main tenets of Odessa/Haikumom's advice to John/Fountainhead when they meet for the first time in person at the diner?

6. How does Elliot react to Odessa/Haikumom's claim that she does not have money to contribute for Ginny's funeral wreath?

7. After Elliot angrily tells the story of Mary Lou's death, what does Odessa/Haikumom do that foreshadows her coming relapse?

8. How does the play's theme of the relationship between past and present play out in Scene Ten when three different events happen onstage simultaneously?

9. How is the importance of human connection highlighted in Scene Thirteen when Clay/ChutesandLadders plans to meet Madeleine/Orangutan in Japan and John/Fountainhead reaches out to the other members of the Addiction Support forum from the hospital?

10. What is significant about Odessa/Haikumom's question to John/Fountainhead about whether his original crack dealer had been male or female?

(see the answer keys)

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