Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Easy

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Water by the Spoonful Test | Final Test - Easy

Quiara Alegría Hudes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Orangutan figure out that someone else is posing as Haikumom online?
(a) The typist does not use any emoticons.
(b) The typist does not censor her when she swears.
(c) The typist does not misspell any words.
(d) The typist cannot produce a haiku poem when prompted.

2. How much does Yazmin guess that she and Elliot will get for Haikumom's computer at the pawnshop?
(a) $100.
(b) $25.
(c) $200.
(d) $15.

3. What does ChutesAndLadders tell Orangutan happened to him as a result of her three month absence from the Addiction Support forum?
(a) He lost his will to live.
(b) He lost the courage to call his son.
(c) He could not sleep for three months.
(d) He relapsed.

4. What does ChutesAndLadders name as his two remaining ambitions in life?
(a) To not use drugs and to not hurt anyone.
(b) To be happy and to help others.
(c) To not use drugs and to keep his job.
(d) To not cry and to not whine.

5. When Orangutan reports her research findings to ChutesAndLadders while she waits at the Sapporo train station, what government goal does she give for the project's implementation?
(a) To improve urban aesthetics.
(b) To please the emperor.
(c) To create jobs.
(d) To improve citizens' views.

6. What does Elliot find on the floor of Odessa's house that causes him to think she has suffered a drug overdose?
(a) A spoon.
(b) A Brillo pad.
(c) A pill bottle.
(d) A needle.

7. What does Haikumom ask Fountainhead about his first crack cocaine dealer that prompts him to say he has to leave?
(a) If he has seen her this week.
(b) If Fountainhead has had sex with her.
(c) If she is a minor.
(d) If he knows where she can be found at all times.

8. What reason does ChutesAndLadders give for discouraging Orangutan from visiting her birth parents?
(a) He knows that the city of her birth is a dangerous place.
(b) He believes it could jeopardize her recovery.
(c) He fears they will want her to stay in Japan.
(d) He is jealous of the bonds that she may form with them if she meets them.

9. What is Odessa doing during Ginny's funeral?
(a) Spooning water onto the floor of her living room.
(b) Standing at the back of the church, watching silently.
(c) Using crack cocaine in an alley downtown.
(d) Crying in the front pew at the church.

10. What does ChutesAndLadders plan to do with the proceeds from the sale of his car?
(a) He plans to buy a train ticket to go see his son.
(b) He plans to buy a plane ticket to Japan.
(c) He plans to pay his overdue rent.
(d) He plans to put a down payment on a brand new car.

11. When Orangutan is at the Sapporo train station and is chatting online with ChutesAndLadders, what objects in America does she liken to internet cafes in Japan in terms of how ubiquitous they are?
(a) Parking meters.
(b) Charging station.
(c) Payphones.
(d) Public restrooms.

12. What game show do Orangutan and ChutesAndLadders like to watch together while chatting online?
(a) Wheel of Fortune.
(b) The Dating Game.
(c) Family Feud.
(d) Jeopardy.

13. When Orangutan chats online with ChutesAndLadders from the Sapporo train station, what subject does she tell him she has just researched?
(a) The construction of the Sapporo train station.
(b) The construction of the giant hydroelectric dam in Hokkaido.
(c) The flattening of all hills in Hokkaido.
(d) The straightening of all rivers in Hokkaido.

14. Why does ChutesAndLadders place on hold the person who is expressing interest in buying his car?
(a) To make the person think that he is being flooded with calls about the car.
(b) To consider whether he really wants to sell his car.
(c) To talk to a client on the other line.
(d) To talk to Orangutan on the other line.

15. For what purpose do Yazmin and Elliot ask Haikumom to meet them at the flower shop at 9 a.m.?
(a) To contribute to the flower deposit for Ginny's funeral.
(b) To give her a ride to Ginny's funeral.
(c) To help choose the flowers for Ginny's funeral.
(d) To tell her she is not invited to Ginny's funeral.

Short Answer Questions

1. What metaphor does ChutesAndLadders use to describe what may happen to Orangutan's heart if she does meet her birth parents?

2. In what city was Orangutan born?

3. How many arrests for civil disobedience did Ginny have on her record during her lifetime?

4. What travel-related location does Odessa's unconscious mind think she finds herself during her drug overdose?

5. When Odessa's unconscious mind is speaking her thoughts onstage during her overdose, how many times does she say she has ever been to an airport?

(see the answer keys)

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