Their Eyes Were Watching God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Their Eyes Were Watching God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why don't the police make many arrests when the workers get drunk in town?
(a) There isn't enough jail space.
(b) They are too lazy.
(c) They are afraid of the blacks.
(d) They can't find anyone to arrest.

2. How do Tea Cake's friends react to his death?
(a) They are angry at Janie and want her prosecuted.
(b) They are glad he is gone.
(c) They do not know he is dead.
(d) They try to help Janie escape.

3. Why does Tea Cake want to stay on the muck?
(a) He does not like moving around.
(b) He is not afraid of hurricanes.
(c) He does not want to lose a day of work.
(d) He does not want to leave Janie.

4. How long do the people on the muck stay mad at Janie?
(a) A month.
(b) A week.
(c) Two days.
(d) Six years.

5. What does Janie take with her when she leaves?
(a) Her blue dress.
(b) The seeds Tea Cake wanted to plant.
(c) A photo of Tea Cake.
(d) A pistol.

6. How does Pheoby feel after Janie is done talking in Chapter 20?
(a) She is jealous.
(b) She wants to move away.
(c) She's not satisfied with herself anymore.
(d) She is mad at Janie.

7. Where do the workers go to escape the storm?
(a) Louisiana.
(b) Palm Beach.
(c) Orlando.
(d) Georgia.

8. What does Janie hide behind the stove?
(a) Her money.
(b) A rifle.
(c) Tea Cake's pistol.
(d) A train ticket.

9. What does Janie "pull in and drape over her shoulder" at the end of the novel?
(a) Tea Cake's sweater.
(b) Her whole life.
(c) The horizon.
(d) A warm blanket.

10. How do the other men feel about Tea Cake's beating Janie?
(a) They think Janie deserved it.
(b) They feel sorry for Janie.
(c) They are jealous of Tea Cake.
(d) They are angry at Tea Cake.

11. What symbol returns in Chapter 11 as a feeling that Tea Cake awakens in Janie?
(a) The mule.
(b) The pear blossom.
(c) The spittoon.
(d) The head rag.

12. What color does Janie start wearing in Chapter 12?
(a) Pink.
(b) White.
(c) Black .
(d) Blue.

13. How does Tea Cake intend to win Janie's money back?
(a) By gambling.
(b) By selling everything he has.
(c) By working all month.
(d) By robbing a bank.

14. How does Janie react to finding Tea Cake with Nunkie?
(a) She rages violently at Tea Cake.
(b) She kills Nunkie.
(c) She ignores the incident.
(d) She leaves Tea Cake.

15. What dessert do Tea Cake and Janie enjoy on the porch?
(a) Milk and cookies.
(b) Pound cake and lemonade.
(c) Ice cream and coffee.
(d) Oranges and lemonade.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mrs. Turner want Janie to marry?

2. What happens to the money Janie has hidden in her dress?

3. Who stays, then flees, with Tea Cake and Janie?

4. When does Janie want to marry Tea Cake?

5. What does Tea Cake teach Janie how to do in the Everglades?

(see the answer keys)

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