Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the subject of Nora's newest painting?
(a) Einstein
(b) The three of them
(c) Travis
(d) Travis and Einstein

2. The Outsider perceives itself to be ______?
(a) Ugly
(b) Intelligent
(c) Smart
(d) Cuddly

3. What did Travis take more comfort in sleeping beside?
(a) None of these
(b) Einstein
(c) The gun
(d) Nora

4. What was the signal from Einstein for No?
(a) Tail wag
(b) Whine
(c) Blink once
(d) Bark

5. What kind of man, according to Aunt Violet didn't exist anywhere in the world?
(a) A kind and selfless one
(b) A sweet and romantic one
(c) A sweet and kind one
(d) A protective and sensitive one

6. Why does the Outsider hate the dog so much?
(a) The dog got better food
(b) The dog was allowed to roam free
(c) The dog was favored
(d) The dog was smarter

7. What kind of drug did the two police officers think that the killer had been on?
(a) Peyote
(b) PCP
(c) Crack Cocaine
(d) Methanphetamines

8. What had Nora found out at the doctors?
(a) She had an STD
(b) She was pregnant
(c) She had cancer
(d) She was unable to have kids

9. What did Einstein say was broken with the tiles?
(a) Fiddle
(b) Guitar
(c) Dollar
(d) Banjo

10. What did the Outsider attack in Diamond Bar?
(a) Sheep
(b) Pets
(c) Children
(d) Women

11. What did Travis not want Einstein to be aware of or frightened by?
(a) The fact that he thought that Einstein wasn't going to recover
(b) That Keene was going to turn him in
(c) His tears
(d) His dismal attitude

12. What was the name of the housing tract where the Outsider showed up?
(a) Merlot Ridge
(b) Bordeaux Ridge
(c) Champagne Heights
(d) Pinot Drive

13. What did Nora do throughout the rest of June?
(a) Make Travis love her
(b) Cook and clean for Travis
(c) Teach Einstein to read
(d) Teach Einstein to beg

14. What was the name of the boy that helped Garrison?
(a) Bobby
(b) Jimmy
(c) Tommy
(d) Billy

15. What town were Travis and Nora close to?
(a) Caramel
(b) Carnel
(c) Carmel
(d) Big Sur

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Garrison Dilworth meet up with?

2. What was the one fantasy that both the Outsider and the Dog had enjoyed while at Banodyne?

3. Who or what was awaiting Travis, Nora and Einstein when they returned home?

4. How tall was the house that Travis and Nora purchased?

5. What credit card did Travis give to the chapel?

(see the answer keys)

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