Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

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Watchers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What mainly was the color of the dress he bought for her?
(a) Red and black
(b) Black and peach
(c) Red and gold
(d) Gold and peach

2. What is the name of Nora's attorney?
(a) Jamison Dilworth
(b) Garrison Dilworth
(c) Garrison Dilburt
(d) Gerry Dilworth

3. What did the forest rangers find at Boulder Canyon?
(a) The Outsider's lair
(b) Evidence of the Outsider
(c) The handiwork of the Outsider
(d) All of these

4. What was the one fantasy that both the Outsider and the Dog had enjoyed while at Banodyne?
(a) The Swan Princess
(b) The Ugly Duckling
(c) Donald Duck
(d) Mickey Mouse

5. What did Travis take more comfort in sleeping beside?
(a) Einstein
(b) The gun
(c) Nora
(d) None of these

6. What does Einstein do to voice his displeasure?
(a) Pees on the bed
(b) Pees on the carpet
(c) Barks incessantly
(d) Tries to bite Travis

7. What room is the Outsider in?
(a) Their bedroom
(b) Nora's studio
(c) The basement
(d) The living room

8. What was Einstein's favorite books to read with Nora and Travis?
(a) The Frog and Toad
(b) The Cheetah and the Bear
(c) The Rabbit and the Tortoise
(d) The Princess and the Frog

9. What did Einstein perceive as coming towards them?
(a) A big uneasiness
(b) A big darkness
(c) A storm
(d) The Outsider

10. What town were Travis and Nora close to?
(a) Caramel
(b) Big Sur
(c) Carmel
(d) Carnel

11. Why did they settle down close to where the Outsider could find them?
(a) To mislead the cops
(b) They liked the area
(c) To hasten the encounter and kill it
(d) To confuse it

12. What does the expression, "sound as a dollar" mean?
(a) Healthy and reliable
(b) You ring
(c) Cheap and useless
(d) Worthless and inexpensive

13. What is the Outsider designed to do?
(a) To be stealthy and intelligent
(b) To fight and kill
(c) To love and be tender
(d) To be smart and cunning

14. What is the first sentence Einstein spells out when he gets home?
(a) Home is where the weenies are
(b) Thanks for taking care of me
(c) Home is where the heart is
(d) Thanks for staying with me

15. What was the base animal in Yarbeck's studies?
(a) A human
(b) An ape
(c) A chimpanzee
(d) A baboon

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Travis installed around the perimeter of the property?

2. What does the Outsider ask Travis to do?

3. Why does the Outsider smash mirrors?

4. What does Einstein call Nora and Travis?

5. Where was the head of Teel found?

(see the answer keys)

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