Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia Test | Final Test - Easy

Marya Hornbacher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia Test | Final Test - Easy

Marya Hornbacher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens the second weekend that Marya is left alone?
(a) She brings a stranger home and has sex with him all weekend.
(b) She eats everything in the house.
(c) She brings her boyfriend from California to see her.
(d) She brings a friend to stay with her.

2. At the end of the chapter, what is Marya allowed to do?
(a) Read her books and live in her own world.
(b) Take classes at the University of Minnesota.
(c) Go to stay with relatives.
(d) Take dance classes.

3. Although Marya is dating and making new friends at school, what happens at night?
(a) She is still taking drugs and sleeping around.
(b) She still throws up.
(c) She cuts herself.
(d) She won't talk to her parents.

4. When Marya practices anorexia, how does she feel?
(a) Calm.
(b) Like she is losing control.
(c) Like she is completely in control of her life.
(d) The happiest she has ever felt.

5. What does Marya say that she hates?
(a) She hates her husband for judging her.
(b) Eating correctly.
(c) Exercising.
(d) She hates to eat.

6. To feel better, what does Marya decide to do?
(a) Go completely anorexic.
(b) Eat less.
(c) Kill herself.
(d) Binge and purge.

7. What is the main part of this Interlude?
(a) Marya's memories of trying to fit in with other people.
(b) Marya's memories of recovering from an eating disorder.
(c) Marya's memories of her childhood.
(d) Marya's memories of meeting her husband.

8. Whom does Marya meet at school?
(a) Some new friends.
(b) Other girls with disorders.
(c) More boys to sleep with.
(d) The boy she will later marry.

9. What has Marya realized about life over the years?
(a) Being thinner, prettier, or different will not make life different.
(b) Being beautiful will make things better.
(c) She is unable to sustain life by herself.
(d) Being thin leads to happiness.

10. Whose instructions are not being followed?
(a) Marya's own.
(b) Her doctor's orders.
(c) Her mother's suggestions.
(d) Kathi, the nurse from Methodist.

11. How is Marya handling a job and school?
(a) She is pretty average.
(b) Poorly she is failing.
(c) She does not have a job.
(d) Very well. She has a 4.0.

12. Does Marya think that eating disorders occur often in this country?
(a) No, only in a few homes.
(b) No, only in poverty stricken areas.
(c) No, only in affluent homes.
(d) Yes, in homes all over America.

13. The antibiotic that the doctor gives Marya _______________.
(a) Makes her throw up.
(b) Makes her not eat.
(c) Makes her want to eat more.
(d) Makes her head hurt.

14. Now, why does Marya think her problems started again?
(a) She wanted them to happen again.
(b) Being in her parents' house causes her to regress.
(c) Eating causes her to feel sad and guilty.
(d) She was too tired to fight.

15. By saying this, what becomes all right?
(a) Marya's longing.
(b) Marya's quest for love.
(c) Marya's feelings.
(d) Marya's pride in the weight loss.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Marya live with while in California?

2. Marya decides to abort her own baby by _____________.

3. By Christmas, what does she weigh?

4. When Marya has a breakdown, what does this mean?

5. When Marya is six, what does she do with her life plan?

(see the answer keys)

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