Washington's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David Hackett Fischer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Washington's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David Hackett Fischer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How extensively do the Americans display their lack of training and discipline?
(a) In few ways.
(b) In virtually all ways.
(c) In many ways.
(d) In a moderate number of ways.

2. In addition to size, intelligence, and energy, what additional criterion is considered when selecting the British light infantry?
(a) Expertise with knives and sabers.
(b) Marksmanship.
(c) Marital status.
(d) Hand-to-hand fighting skills.

3. How does General Washington respond to families, such as the Van Hornes, who pledge allegiance to the king?
(a) He compels them to relinquish their property and financial assets.
(b) He does nothing other than look down on it.
(c) He orders them to trial on charges of treason.
(d) He deports them to a neutral island in the Caribbean Sea.

4. The Hessian system of discipline differs from that of the British in that the Hessians make greater use of what?
(a) Uniform Code of Military Justice.
(b) Corporal punishment.
(c) Royal legal system.
(d) Requiring extra drill practice.

5. In what month of 1776 do the Americans lose the Battle of Long Island?
(a) July.
(b) June.
(c) Early September.
(d) August.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the American military system prove its superiority?

2. How are Admiral Lord Richard and General William Howe related?

3. An illness tears through the troops that fight against the Americans during the summer of what year in the latter half of the 1770s?

4. Where does the Americans' intelligence methodology work better than it had in New York?

5. Initially, General Washington and his remaining troops flee Long Island to what location?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does misinformation cost George Washington the Battle of Long Island in August of 1776?

2. Although the British eventually gain the upper hand at the Battle of Bunker Hill, what is it that so affects General William Howe?

3. What is General William Howe's view regarding the British chances of defeating the American rebels following the Battle of Bunker Hill?

4. Why do the British and Hessians come to incur heavy losses as the war progresses?

5. Who are the British military's Howe brothers?

6. How does the British pacification policy run into problems arising from problems of supply?

7. Why was George Washington selected as commander-in-chief of the American army?

8. When they arrive in America, the British army consists of what elements?

9. How does George Washington fare in Manhattan in 1776?

10. What does General Cornwallis instruct his troops to do in New Jersey?

(see the answer keys)

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