Washington: A Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ron Chernow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Washington: A Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ron Chernow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the greatest impact on Washington's life regarding his father's death?
(a) He had no one to look up to.
(b) He had a bad reputation.
(c) He had to take care of his mother.
(d) He could not go to boarding school.

2. How many resolutions were presented in #46?
(a) 17.
(b) 35.
(c) 24.
(d) 31.

3. In 1754, Washington led his troops into which region to fight the French?
(a) Virginia hills.
(b) Ohio Country.
(c) Michigan woods.
(d) Georgia wetlands.

4. Who was George Washington's father?
(a) James Washington.
(b) George Washington Sr.
(c) John Washington.
(d) Augustine Washington.

5. How many miles did Washington's men have to march after crossing the river in #73 to catch the Hessians unaware?
(a) Fifteen.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Nine.
(d) Three.

Short Answer Questions

1. Washington's father had _______________ children with Washington's mother.

2. In which New Jersey city did Washington and his men spend the winter of 1777?

3. Where did the British troops go after Washington's army drove them out of Boston?

4. Two Northern generals who played an important part in Washington's future were Nathanael Greene and _______.

5. Washington was a distinguished soldier in the _______________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. How did destiny play a part in Washington's decision to join the army instead of the navy?

2. What were the circumstances in which Washington inherited Mount Vernon?

3. Why was Jacky Custis not motivated to get a formal education?

4. Why was Washington so humble when accepting the role as leader of the Continental Army?

5. What was Washington's fascination with women throughout his life

6. Explain why Washington's plan to cross the Delaware River was a successful military maneuver.

7. Which woman did Washington choose to marry?

8. What was the mixed blessing of Washington's marriage to Martha regarding finances?

9. What challenges did Washington face with Congress and even some of his own generals?

10. What purpose did Washington hope that Mount Vernon would serve regarding the perception people had of him?

(see the answer keys)

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