Washington Black Test | Final Test - Hard

Esi Edugyan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Washington Black Test | Final Test - Hard

Esi Edugyan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Washington's dinner companion in Part III, Chapter 10, say he encountered in an American town a short while earlier?

2. What does Willard tell Washington he is now in the business of in Part III, Chapter 10?

3. What does Mr. James Wilde tell Washington he was born with at his neck?

4. What is the first thing Titch says to Washington when the two finally meet again?

5. What happens in Washington's dream in Part II, Chapter 7?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Washington work out the right adjustments to be able to keep the sea creatures alive in an aquarium?

2. In Part IV, what does Titch tell Washington about his childhood years with Philip that changes Washington's perspective on Titch quite a bit?

3. In Part III, Chapter 1, what is Mr. Wilde's reaction to Titch's disappearance?

4. What passes between Titch and his father, Mister Wilde, that upsets Titch so much that he leaves the camp in Part II, Chapter 7?

5. In Part II, Chapter 7, what does Washington dream about Kit?

6. What two pieces of information does Washington learn about Kit from the Abolitionist Society for the Betterment and Integration of Former Slaves?

7. What does Peter House tell Washington happened to Titch when he left the camp in the Arctic before Mr. Wilde died?

8. What does Medwin tell Washington in Part III, Chapter 5, that upends his life and makes him tremble with anxiety?

9. What task does Mr. Goff ask Washington to assist him with in Part III, Chapter 9, that Washington is honored to do?

10. What is Washington's impression of James Wilde's opinion of his drawing talent?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At the end of the novel, after Washington has finally tracked down Titch and asked him the questions he has been longing to ask, do you think Washington has found the answers and closure he has sought all through the years since his separation from Titch? Write an essay explaining your answer, citing specific references to the text.

Essay Topic 2

How do you think James Wilde, Titch's father, really feels about Titch? Why do you think James Wilde exhibits so little affection and love towards Titch, but is then inconsolable to the point of death over Titch's disappearance into the blizzard in the Arctic? Write an essay explaining your answer, citing specific references to the text.

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay analyzing the differences between the ways Washington is treated on Faith plantation, as a slave; in the United States, as a free black man; and in Canada, also as a free black man.

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