War and Peace Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the wounded soldiers go when everyone is leaving Moscow before the French arrive?
(a) Most go out of the city but a few go into the Rostovs' yard.
(b) They are all leaving Moscow as quickly as they can.
(c) They ask to rest in the yards of the people leaving Moscow.
(d) They go to a hospital.

2. What happens to Mary when she is leaving Bogucharovo for Moscow?
(a) The peasants on the land riot, destroy her carts and keep her and Mlle. Bourienne confined to the house.
(b) Mlle. Bourienne persuades Mary to stay at Bogucharovo but the peasants do not want them there.
(c) The peasants on the land whom Andrew has freed refuse to let her leave.
(d) The French enter the home and prevent her from leaving.

3. How does Pierre react to Platon's illness when he is sitting by the birch tree?
(a) Pierre is afraid that he will catch the fever Platon has and leaves but then he feels guilty and goes back.
(b) Pierre does not want to go near Platon.
(c) Pierre knows Platon is sick, but knows he cannot help him.
(d) Perre is compassionate and wants to help Platon.

4. After the end of the war, when does Pierre say he will go to St. Petersburg?
(a) He doesn't go.
(b) He will go in a few days.
(c) He go the day after he visits with Mary and Natasha.
(d) He doesn't know if he'll go or not.

5. What does Kutuzov ask Andrew to do after they speak of the old prince's death?
(a) He wants to send him to the frontline of battle.
(b) He wants him to stay with him on the staff.
(c) He wants him to go to the Tsar to explain to him Kutuzov's plans.
(d) He wants to send him to act as intermediary with Arakcheev.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kutuzov react to Lauriston's coming to see him to negotiate peace?

2. Balashev is sent to meet Napoleon with a letter from Alexander. Who does he meet before seeing Napoleon and how do the meetings go?

3. How does Helene's mother react to her attempt to get divorced?

4. Why is Mary unsure about meeting Nicholas?

5. How does Natashsa physically and emotionally react to her mother's grief over Petya?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Nicholas when he and his regiment attack the French at Ostróvna?

2. How does Pierre and Andrew's meeting before the battle of Borodino go?

3. How does the old prince behave toward Mary after his last stroke?

4. Why does Andrew request a post in Turkey?

5. How does Helene resolve her dilemma over which of her two suitors she should marry?

6. What change does Pierre notice in the French soldiers guarding him and other prisoners when they are leaving Moscow and how does he regard it?

7. How does Sonya react to Natasha when she finds Anatole's letter to her?

8. How does Tolstoy view the war and its causes?

9. What happens to Pierre after he is taken prisoner by the French after meeting with Davout?

10. How does Princess Mary react to Nicholas when he enters Andrew's home at Bogucharovo and how does he react to her?

(see the answer keys)

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