War and Peace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Andrew go after leaving Brunn?
(a) He returns to Kutuzov.
(b) He goes to Moscow.
(c) He returns home.
(d) He goes to find the French.

2. Why does Prince Bolkonsky insist on teaching Mary geometry?
(a) He wants her to be an educated woman who is not just schooled in the arts.
(b) He wants her to continue his work on his inventions.
(c) He wants the order of mathematics to drive the nonsense out of her head.
(d) He wants her to be brilliant.

3. Nichols has returned to his regiment. How does the regiment respond to his arrival and how does he react?
(a) They are all busy but he is happy to be back with them.
(b) They are all starving and he is happy to have brought provisions to share with them.
(c) They all run to greet him and he feels as happy as he did at home with his family.
(d) They all are starving and irritable and he is frustrated at the thought of having no provisions.

4. Nicholas is patrolling the lines. What is running through his mind?
(a) Various disconnected thoughts as he struggles not to fall asleep.
(b) He is terrified that he may be shot and wishes he had not been given this duty.
(c) He is excited about the prospect of being in combat and perhaps distinguishing himself for the Tsar.
(d) He is in a foul temper as he is cold, hungry, and is missing the comforts of home.

5. Boris goes to visit the Rostovs. What does he think of Natasha?
(a) He is struck by how pretty she is but she would not be a good match.
(b) He is not interested in her because she is not witty enough.
(c) He is struck by how pretty she is and wants to propose.
(d) He sees her as a bit more grown up but he only visits out of gratitude to the Rostovs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Pierre go the day after his duel?

2. Nicholas is patrolling the picket lines. What is a picket?

3. Natasha enjoys going into her mother's room at bedtime to talk with her. What do they talk about?

4. Who are Princess Mary's "God's Folk"?

5. What does Pierre do when he goes to St. Petersburg?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Pierre's steward think when Pierre goes to his estates and recommends reforms?

2. What strange aspect do readers see in Dolokhov in the chapters following the duel?

3. Why is Tushin called in to speak to Bagration and what is the result of his interview?

4. Why does the old Prince insist that Andrew delay his marriage for a year?

5. What does Nicholas do that gets him in trouble with his superior officers?

6. What makes Nicholas decide to go home on leave just after Natasha's engagement?

7. Dolokhov was last seen at Austerlitz talking back to a superior officer. What has happened since that time?

8. Why is Anna Mikhaylovna so eager to help Pierre?

9. When Nicholas goes to Olmutz to see Boris why does he get into an argument with Prince Andrew?

10. What does Andrew think about after he is wounded?

(see the answer keys)

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