War and Peace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Pierre react to his situation during the march out of Moscow when they stop on the first night?
(a) He is upset at the treatment given to the prisoners and tries to fight the soldiers.
(b) He moves off by himself and begins to laugh in amazement at his situation.
(c) He is frightened for the prisoners who are not strong enough to withstand such a march.
(d) He sees it as something he has to do and accepts it.

2. Why is Mary unsure about meeting Nicholas?
(a) She is in deep mourning for her father and is also conflicted about him.
(b) She is in deep mourning for her father.
(c) She is aware of his shameless flirtations with married women.
(d) She is ashamed of the temptation that he causes her to feel.

3. Who is Count Rostopchin?
(a) A general under Kutuzov sent to keep order in Moscow as the French advance.
(b) A court official appointed by Alexander to get the aristocracy out of Moscow.
(c) The governor of Moscow.
(d) A busybody who throws his weight around.

4. What brings about the change in Andrew in Yaroslavl?
(a) He dreams of trying to close a door on death and fails. He no longer fears death.
(b) He has gangrene and it weakens him so much that he cannot fight it any longer.
(c) His wound is not improving and infection has set in. He is frequently delirious.
(d) He gives up on the unpleasant struggle to live as his life has been so painful.

5. Who does the countess first begin to talk to just before she begins to weep after Petya's death?
(a) Petya.
(b) The count.
(c) Natasha.
(d) Mary.

6. Natasha receives a letter. What does it say and who is it from?
(a) It is from Prince Andrew saying that he is about to return to Russia, and he has decided to marry her as soon as he returns.
(b) It is from Anatole declaring his love for her and saying that he has two choices: to be loved by her or to die.
(c) It is from Anatole asking if Natasha will meet him secretly later in the evening.
(d) It is from Pierre warning her not to trust Anatole.

7. How does Pierre react to Platon's illness when he is sitting by the birch tree?
(a) Perre is compassionate and wants to help Platon.
(b) Pierre is afraid that he will catch the fever Platon has and leaves but then he feels guilty and goes back.
(c) Pierre knows Platon is sick, but knows he cannot help him.
(d) Pierre does not want to go near Platon.

8. What prevents Anatole from openly courting Natasha?
(a) Marya Dmitrievna dislikes the Kuragins and tells Natasha that she will not allow them in her home.
(b) Natasha's engagement to Prince Andrew.
(c) Count Rostov is very protective of his daughter.
(d) Anatole is already married.

9. Who arrives at the Rostov's home in Moscow after they have left?
(a) A cousin of the count's.
(b) A looting officer.
(c) Pierre.
(d) Andrew.

10. What is wrong with the prisoner, Sokolov, who is terrified when the French start to march them all out of Moscow?
(a) He is terrified of the French as their demeanor changes when they are given orders to leave.
(b) He has fever, is dying, and knows he won't survive the march.
(c) He is badly wounded and knows he won't survive the march.
(d) He has dysentery and is afraid of being left alone in Moscow.

11. How does Kutuzov's staff explain their plan to cut off the French on the road to Smolensk to him?
(a) They do not communicate with him, they just do it.
(b) They send an envelope with a blank piece of paper in it.
(c) They don't explain anything, but merely tell him they will abide by his request.
(d) They detail the plan heavily hoping that he will appreciate their military genius.

12. How does Kutuzov react to Lauriston's coming to see him to negotiate peace?
(a) He wants to negotiate but he knows the Tsar will remove him from his position as commander-in-chief.
(b) In a rare moment of fury, he tells Lauriston to get out and that he will never consider any sort of treaty with Napoleon.
(c) He would like to negotiate to prevent further loss of life but thinks perhaps the time is not right and wants to wait until the French are in even more difficult straits.
(d) He says he will be forever condemned by history if he negotiates peace with the French.

13. Why does Boris speed up his courting of Julie Karagina?
(a) He is madly in love with her and fears if he doesn't propose quickly, he will lose the opportunity.
(b) His leave is ending and he is having trouble finding time to visit with her as he has so much to do.
(c) He is madly in love with her and sees with each visit that she is increasingly receptive to his attentions.
(d) His mother, Anna Mikhaylovna, tells him that Prince Vasili is trying to arrange a marriage between Julie and Anatole.

14. How does Nicholas receive Mary when she comes to visit him, his mother and Sonya?
(a) He is moody and will not speak much with her.
(b) He is happy she has come to see his mother but is too busy to care otherwise.
(c) He is happy to see her and to tell her of his and Sonya's engagement.
(d) He is very happy to see her and hopes to renew their acquaintance.

15. What does Kutuzov say to his troops at the end of his speech before the battle of Krasnoe?
(a) None of the above.
(b) "I know you will all do your best for the Fatherland!"
(c) "They will leave Russia if we chase them or not!"
(d) "But after all who asked them here? Serves them right, the bloody bastards!"

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kutuzov react when he hears that the French have left Moscow?

2. How does little Nicholas appear at the end of the book?

3. What happens to Mary right after her father dies?

4. Shortly after Natasha's recovery from her illness, why does Pierre decide not to visit with the Rostovs anymore?

5. What does Natasha see happening to Mary in the future?

(see the answer keys)

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