War and Peace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Anna Pavlovna's guest of honor at her soiree in Part 5?
(a) Helene.
(b) Pierre.
(c) Hippolyte Kuragin.
(d) Boris Drubetskoy.

2. Vera and Berg hold their first party. Who comes?
(a) Pierre, the Rostovs, and Berg's superior officers.
(b) Pierre, the Rostovs, Boris, a general, a colonel, Andrew, and some others.
(c) The Bezukhovs, Boris, some of Berg's military connections and the Rostovs.
(d) The Count and Countess Rostov, the Bezukhovs, Berg's colonel, and Boris.

3. How does the Emperor receive Andrew's news about the battle?
(a) He listens to what he says, is happy, but seems to be speaking according to a script.
(b) He is happy to hear news of victory.
(c) He is very upset about casualties in the Austrian army.
(d) He pays virtually no attention to anything Andrew has to say, asking only irrelevant questions.

4. Nicholas is told to give a message to the Tsar. What happens after that?
(a) He hears that the Tsar has been killed so he goes to deliver it to Kutuzov.
(b) He goes to deliver it , hears the Tsar has been wounded, but later finds him alone in the middle of a field unhurt.
(c) He delivers it to the Tsar who recognizes him and asks Nicholas what the state of battle is.
(d) He goes to deliver it, hears the Tsar has been killed, and rides back to find his squadron.

5. Who does Dolokhov propose to?
(a) Helene Bezukhova.
(b) Vera.
(c) Natasha.
(d) Sonya.

6. With great enthusiasm, Pierre has become a Freemason. What does he write in his diary regarding his pursuit of a more pure life?
(a) He wakes progressively later after drinking and eating to excess, and does nothing.
(b) He wakes, reads the scriptures, and finds new ways of benefitting his fellow man.
(c) He struggles to be a good Freemason but still finds the other Freemasons to be better.
(d) He reads the scriptures and goes about his days but slips back into his old habits.

7. Nicholas goes to visit Boris. How does the visit go for him?
(a) He brags about his experience in the charge and the fact that everyone is very impressed with him, especially Prince Andrew.
(b) He begins to brag about his action during Schon Graben and is cut short by Andrew who notices that he is bragging.
(c) He gets drunk with Boris and Berg and enjoys himself immensely.
(d) He is amazed at the changes in Boris and wishes to work on the staff as Boris does, planning to use a letter that will help him.

8. What sort of reputation does Princess Mary have as a prospective wife?
(a) She is regarded as very wealthy but very plain.
(b) She is regarded as very beautiful which makes up for her moderate fortune.
(c) She is regarded as ugly and not particularly pleasant, but rich.
(d) She is regarded as extremely intelligent and socially adept.

9. What happens with Prince Andrew during the battle at Austerlitz?
(a) He runs yelling "Forward, lads!", picks up the fallen standard, and is shot in the head.
(b) He sees the Tsar and requests him to leave the field of battle.
(c) He rides alongside the retreating army ordering them to turn back.
(d) He sees Kutuzov has a head wound and takes him to be treated.

10. Boris goes to visit the Rostovs. What does he think of Natasha?
(a) He sees her as a bit more grown up but he only visits out of gratitude to the Rostovs.
(b) He is struck by how pretty she is but she would not be a good match.
(c) He is not interested in her because she is not witty enough.
(d) He is struck by how pretty she is and wants to propose.

11. How does Maria Dmitrievna respond to Natasha's insolence at the dinner table?
(a) She severely rebukes her for being so rude.
(b) She tells her to sit down and be quiet.
(c) She tells her she is having carrot ice for dessert and laughs at her.
(d) She doesn't hear her.

12. What makes Nicholas decide to return home on leave?
(a) His father writes to him saying that he is afraid Mitenka, their steward, is cheating him but does not know how to prove it.
(b) The countess begs him to come home to cheer up Natasha.
(c) Sonya writes to him saying she is releasing him from his promise to marry her.
(d) His mother writes him a pleading letter.

13. What happens to Nicholas during the battle at Schon Grabern?
(a) He ends up interfering with his regiment's action.
(b) His horse falls on him, he is injured and runs away from the French coming at him.
(c) He loses his regiment and wanders about looking for them.
(d) He charges at the French, is attacked by them and injured severely.

14. Prince Andrew goes to the Rostovs' as Count Rostov is the Marshal for the district and he must see him on account of his being trustee of the Ryazan estate. How does he react to being with the Rostov's from beginning to end?
(a) At first he looks forward to diversion from things which depress him, but then he sees that their life is too busy and filled with too many foolish people that he welcomes leaving.
(b) He is bored and disinterested and as his time with them goes on, he looks forward to returning home, and getting away from such superficial living.
(c) He is bored but Natasha's youthful exuberance intrigues him and though he would like to join in, he realizes shortly after his departure that his life is over forever.
(d) At first he is unhappy and disinterested but Natasha's happiness piques his curiosity and later he is intrigued by her admiring the moon.

15. The Tsar goes to Olmutz to review the troops. How does Nicholas react when he sees him?
(a) He is happy to see him but is fearful about the coming action.
(b) He is struck by how young the Tsar is and wonders if he is up to his position.
(c) He is in awe of him and feels he would do anything for him.
(d) He is unhappy that the Tsar has involved Russia in this war which does not concern them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dolokhov say to Rostov after the card game?

2. Pierre receives two letters, one from Helene and another form his mother-in-law begging for Helene to come to live with him again. What is his response?

3. Nicholas brings his friend Denisov with him and excitedly speaks as they approach. What is Denisov's reaction?

4. What is Maria Dmitrievna's reputation in Russian social circles?

5. How does Pierre approach the duel with Dolokhov?

(see the answer keys)

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