War and Peace Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 11, Chapters 25-29 | Part 11, Chapters 30-34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How has Pierre's huge inheritance changed him financially?
(a) He is thrilled at having so much money that he has a huge surplus each month.
(b) He does not really pay attention to the fact that he is continually losing money.
(c) He wishes he had never inherited the money, as life was much simpler before.
(d) He notices that although he has more money than before, he often has to pay so much out that he must borrow in order to fulfill his obligations.

2. Who does Dolokhov propose to?
(a) Vera.
(b) Natasha.
(c) Sonya.
(d) Helene Bezukhova.

3. Nicholas is patrolling the picket lines. What is a picket?
(a) A border between one army and another.
(b) A portion of a fence.
(c) Soldiers set apart from a main army to guard them from surprise attack.
(d) A line of stakes set in the ground behind which artillery is positioned.

4. How does Andrew react to his evening with the Rostovs in St. Petersburg?
(a) He is bored by them and has little in common with them.
(b) He enjoys himself, finds them charming, and Natasha's singing moves him nearly to tears.
(c) He is neither pleased nor displeased with them and pays the call merely out of courtesy.
(d) He enjoys himself very much but finds them to be too provincial.

5. Andrew goes to Speranski's for dinner What does he think of him and his company?
(a) He is disappointed at the company's superficial conversation and criticism of everyone.
(b) He is delighted to be in such interesting and illustrious company.
(c) He is angry at their criticism of people he admires so much.
(d) He is surprised at the conversation but he agrees.

Short Answer Questions

1. Nicholas goes to Tilsit to request a pardon for Denisov. To whom does he initially appeal and how is he received?

2. When Pierre has difficulty getting on a horse to ride with a general, how does the staff react to the sight of him?

3. What does Napoleon say to Balashev after dinner about Alexander?

4. How does Helene's mother react to her attempt to get divorced?

5. Who is the "King of Rome"?

(see the answer key)

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