War and Peace Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 6, Chapters 1-7 | Part 6, Chapters 8-14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nicholas is told to give a message to the Tsar. What happens after that?
(a) He hears that the Tsar has been killed so he goes to deliver it to Kutuzov.
(b) He delivers it to the Tsar who recognizes him and asks Nicholas what the state of battle is.
(c) He goes to deliver it , hears the Tsar has been wounded, but later finds him alone in the middle of a field unhurt.
(d) He goes to deliver it, hears the Tsar has been killed, and rides back to find his squadron.

2. Who does Dolokhov propose to?
(a) Sonya.
(b) Natasha.
(c) Helene Bezukhova.
(d) Vera.

3. What does Pierre reflect upon after the duel with Dolokhov?
(a) That he is unfortunate for having so foul a temper that he would challenge someone he considers to be a good man and friend to a duel.
(b) That he has, so he thinks, killed a man for a depraved woman whom he has never loved.
(c) That he hopes Helene still loves him and will have his child after all this.
(d) That he is totally to blame and he prays that Helene will forgive him for his profound error.

4. What does Nicholas do after it is discovered that Denisov's money has been stolen?
(a) He goes out and celebrates.
(b) He follows the man who stole it and beats him senseless for such outrageous behavior.
(c) He follows Denisov's command to do nothing about it.
(d) Nicholas goes to find the thief and catches him spending some of it.

5. Why does Anna Mikhaylovna want to take Boris to visit Pierre's father, Count Bezuhov?
(a) She wants Boris personally to thank Prince Vasili, a close relative of Pierre's father, who is also there to see the Count.
(b) She wants Boris to meet the Count.
(c) She hopes that Pierre's father is well enough to acknowledge Boris if only in his Will.
(d) She wants to ask Pierre's father to lend her money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Andrew go after leaving Brunn?

2. Denisov commandeers provisions for his regiment. How does he justify it to the officer from whom he is taking them?

3. What does Hippolyte talk about at Anna Pavlovna's soiree?

4. Natasha goes into the conservatory to hide when her family is first introduced. What is she waiting for?

5. After the Council of War before the battle of Austerlitz, Prince Andrew reflects on what is being said. What are his thoughts?

(see the answer key)

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