War and Peace Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4, Chapters 1-4 | Part 4, Chapters 5-8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Prince Bolkonsky react to Prince Vasili and Anatole's visit?
(a) He is delighted to see them and pleased to see what a brilliant young man Anatole is.
(b) He basically ignores them as they have interfered with his strict routine.
(c) He is jealous of the attention they pay to his daughter and daughter-in-law.
(d) He does not want Prince Vasili or Anatole there.

2. After the affair of the stolen money, why is Nicholas ordered to apologize to his regiment?
(a) His commanding officer wants to humble him as he thinks he's too proud.
(b) He is being used as an example for other troublemakers.
(c) He's been caught with the money.
(d) His accusing a fellow officer of theft could disgrace his regiment.

3. Who does Andrew hear and see shortly after the first shot before the action at Schon Grabern?
(a) Boris Drubetskoy.
(b) Nicholas.
(c) Captain Tushin.
(d) Napoleon.

4. What is Maria Dmitrievna's reputation in Russian social circles?
(a) She is known as a woman of wealth and rank.
(b) She is known for her horrible temper.
(c) She is known as a woman of good sense and unadorned speech.
(d) She is known as a former great beauty.

5. General Kutuzov does not want his troops to present themselves to the Austrian general in their great coats. Why?
(a) He wants the general to see that they are cold.
(b) He wants the general to see how worn out their boots are from marching so far.
(c) He wants to insult the general by showing he does not care enough to present his troops in the best condition.
(d) He wants to impress on the general how unprepared they are for war.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the club dinner, what is Pierre so preoccupied with that he doesn't hear what is being said to him?

2. Princess Mary has her hair done in a different style for the guests. How does her father react to her?

3. Nicholas goes home on leave. How does he react to Sonya?

4. What does Nicholas do after it is discovered that Denisov's money has been stolen?

5. Nicholas goes to visit Boris. How does the visit go for him?

(see the answer key)

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