War and Peace Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Peace Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 349 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 8, Chapters 13-17 | Part 8, Chapters 18-22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dolokhov say to Rostov after the card game?
(a) "Shall we play again tomorrow?"
(b) "Your luck is astounding."
(c) "Unlucky at cards, lucky in love."
(d) "You have won, but I have won something much more important!"

2. When Pierre goes to see Andrew after his return from his cure, who is Andrew talking about and what does he say before and immediately after their greeting?
(a) He is discussing Bagration and that he is extremely valuable in his position.
(b) He is discussing Speranski and how so much of what he did was not really useful.
(c) He is discussing Speranski and says that he has done more good for Russia than anyone else.
(d) He is discussing Kutuzov and that he has the interests of Russia foremost in his decisions.

3. In the card game with Dolokhov and Nicholas, who wins and how much?
(a) Nicholas wins 4,300 rubles.
(b) Nicholas wins 43,000 rubles.
(c) Dolokhov wins 43,000 Rubles.
(d) Dolokhov wins 800,000 Rubles.

4. Why does Kutuzov request Andrew to work with him?
(a) He wants Andrew to keep command of the troops as he (Kutuzov) is elderly.
(b) He wants to keep an eye on him.
(c) He needs an adjutant.
(d) He knew Andrew's father and knows Andrew to be a good soldier.

5. Natasha goes to her first grand ball. How does it go for her?
(a) At first she doesn't dance but after Andrew asks her, she dances all night.
(b) She is excited to see all the beautiful people but doesn't want to dance.
(c) She finds she does not really like such large gatherings.
(d) She is extremely excited and thrilled but is soon disappointed that no one asks her to dance.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Tsar goes to Olmutz to review the troops. How does Nicholas react when he sees him?

2. After his proposal to Vera, Berg comes to visit Count Rostov about Vera's dowry. What does the Count say to him?

3. Andrew goes to visit Pierre the night after the Bergs party. What does he discuss with him?

4. Princess Mary leaves her father's study after speaking with him about the Kuragins. What occurs very shortly after that?

5. Who does Dolokhov propose to?

(see the answer key)

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