Warlight Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Warlight Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of floor is in Rose Williams' house in White Paint?
(a) A nightingale floor.
(b) A heated floor.
(c) A ceramic tile floor.
(d) A cedar floor.

2. What had The Moth once promised Nathaniel sitting by the fire in Ruvigny Gardens?
(a) That Rachel would not have any more seizures.
(b) That Nathaniel's father would be back soon.
(c) That Nathaniel would be successful some day.
(d) That he would stay with Nathaniel and Rachel until their mother returned.

3. What causes Marsh Felon to fall off the roof of Rose Williams' house when she is a girl?
(a) A sudden gust of wind.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A loud barking from a dog.
(d) A brother pushes him off.

4. What injury does Marsh Felon sustain in his fall from Rose's roof?
(a) Two broken legs.
(b) A broken neck.
(c) A broken hip.
(d) A broken arm.

5. What specific function does Marsh Felon serve in the British Intelligence Service?
(a) He is a Gatherer.
(b) He is a code breaker.
(c) He is a soldier.
(d) He is an assassin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What book makes Marsh Felon curious about climbing roofs as a young man?

2. How does Nathaniel feels The Darter treats him when he goes to visit?

3. What does Rachel name her baby?

4. What street in Naples does Rose find herself on after her escape from captivity?

5. Who from Nathaniel's past has produced a television documentary he wants to watch?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Nathaniel eventually learn about the exact way in which his mother died?

2. In the section titled "Arthur McCash," what one piece of information does Nathaniel finally uncover about what specific job Rose performed during the war?

3. How do Rachel's feelings towards Rose, her mother, change after the incident in the Bark Theater?

4. What is the real reason The Darter is so awkward with Nathaniel at their meeting in the book's final pages?

5. What kind of a relationship does Marsh Felon have with his own family as an adult?

6. Who does Nathaniel most wish to find a way to track down from what he discovers in the archives?

7. How is Rose Williams' death noted in the press?

8. Who is one of the first people from his youth Nathaniel runs into when he starts work at the archives in the section titled "In the Archives"?

9. What is significant about the Malakites' house that Nathaniel buys in the section titled "The Saints"?

10. Why is Nathaniel interested in the sea pea plant?

(see the answer keys)

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