War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Medium

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Medium

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Aunt Betsy take Willy?
(a) To the cellar where her mother is.
(b) To a small shack on the river.
(c) To a small shack in the woods.
(d) To the stables.

2. What does Horace suggest that Willy say about having no money?
(a) Her mother demanded it for food for her brothers.
(b) She gave it all to her father who beat it out of her.
(c) She was sick and had to pay for medicine.
(d) She got drunk, fell asleep, and was robbed.

3. Why is Willy hesitant about pursuing the information Mr. Goodrich brings?
(a) Virginia is such a long distance.
(b) She has finally finished mourning and does not want to lose her mother again.
(c) Captain Ivers might try to claim she is his slave.
(d) She does not know how to prevent the sale of the farm.

4. Why does Mr. Fraunces send Willy to the docks?
(a) To draw a picture of the surrender of the British.
(b) To buy fish.
(c) To look for her mother.
(d) To find a British officer who is a friend of Mr. Fraunces.

5. Where does Willy think Mr. Fraunces' loyalties might lie?
(a) She has no idea.
(b) With slave owners such as Captain Ivers.
(c) With the British.
(d) With the Americans.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes in when Willy and Horace are about to eat?

2. Where had Lucy been during the Revolutionary War?

3. What does Willy start doing once everyone knows she is a girl?

4. Mr. Goodrich says he can help Willy with _____________.

5. Where is the woman that Willy talked to when she and Horace return to Canvas Town?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Willy feel about what Mr. Goodrich tells her?

2. What does Willy's Uncle Jack say when Willy finds him in the barn?

3. Why does Mr. Fraunces pay both Willy and Horace, and why does Willy have trouble saving her pay?

4. What happens that makes Horace uncomfortable when he takes Willy to the kitchen of the Queen's Head for a meal?

5. How does Mr. Fraunces respond to what Willy tells him?

6. What does Willy have to decide about seeing her mother, and why might it be dangerous?

7. Describe the scene in the courthouse when Willy goes up before the judge.

8. What is happening about peace talks starting in April of 1782?

9. What is Willy trying to decide in the search for her mother?

10. Describe Canvas Town.

(see the answer keys)

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