War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War Comes to Willy Freeman Test | Final Test - Easy

James Collier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes in when Willy and Horace are about to eat?
(a) Mr. Fraunces.
(b) Two British soldiers.
(c) Two American soldiers.
(d) The cook.

2. For whom does Willy say she works?
(a) The British general.
(b) The American general.
(c) No one.
(d) Sam Fraunces.

3. What does Mr. Goodrich tell Willy when he comes to the tavern?
(a) Her mother died the year before.
(b) Her father's farm is being sold.
(c) Her mother is with Aunt Betsy.
(d) Her mother is in Virginia.

4. What does Willy do when she is sent to buy sweets for the tavern?
(a) Asks to buy the tarts that are malformed for a discount.
(b) Studies over how the sweets are made.
(c) Shakes the bag and eats the sugar that falls off the pastries.
(d) Buys herself something also.

5. What does Aunt Betsy realize that Uncle Jack does not?
(a) Willy must see her mother.
(b) Willy is willing to risk capture.
(c) Willy has become very mature.
(d) Lucy might live if she sees Willy.

6. What do Willy and Horace share since arriving at the tavern?
(a) Money.
(b) The loft for sleeping.
(c) A horse.
(d) The duties at the tavern.

7. Where does Willy think Mr. Fraunces' loyalties might lie?
(a) With slave owners such as Captain Ivers.
(b) With the British.
(c) With the Americans.
(d) She has no idea.

8. What does Willy realize about Horace as they are talking?
(a) He does not believe her story.
(b) He is an orphan.
(c) He is a slave.
(d) He is half white.

9. What does Horace think about Willy that is not true?
(a) Willy really has some money.
(b) Willy is a boy.
(c) Willy is a runaway slave.
(d) Nothing.

10. Where does Willy find Uncle Jack?
(a) In the chicken coop.
(b) In the woods.
(c) In the kitchen of his small shack.
(d) In the barn.

11. How does Willy feel in her home at the tavern?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Content.
(c) Despondent.
(d) Unhappy.

12. What does Horace suggest that Willy say about having no money?
(a) Her mother demanded it for food for her brothers.
(b) She gave it all to her father who beat it out of her.
(c) She got drunk, fell asleep, and was robbed.
(d) She was sick and had to pay for medicine.

13. What does the woman want in exchange for more information about Willy's mother?
(a) Money.
(b) Food.
(c) Willy's necklace.
(d) A job at the Queen's Head.

14. Why is Horace uncomfortable?
(a) He is unsure how Mr. Fraunces will react to Willy.
(b) He just realized Willy is a girl.
(c) His mother admonishes him about bringing strangers home.
(d) The cook teases him about a girl down the street.

15. What college do Willy and Mr. Goodrich pass on the way to the courthouse?
(a) Merrymount.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Amherst.
(d) Yale.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of rumors are flying about in Chapter 11?

2. What does Mr. Fraunces tell Willy about the tavern?

3. What does Horace say is the key to telling lies?

4. What does Horace insist upon after learning about Willy being a girl?

5. How does the boy suggest Willy get into the city?

(see the answer keys)

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