War and Remembrance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

War and Remembrance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The _______ Jews were the spotlight of the Red Cross visit to Theresienstadt.
(a) Danish.
(b) French.
(c) German.
(d) American.

2. What is the name of the new director at Theresienstadt after Aaron becomes a Jewish official?
(a) Abraham Jonesburg.
(b) Karl Rahm.
(c) Josiah Tuttlebaum.
(d) Daniel Ginsburg.

3. What do the SS officers threaten to do at Theresienstadt to keep Natalie in line?
(a) Rape her.
(b) Kill Louis.
(c) Starve her.
(d) Kill Aaron.

4. What is the Russian Army known as?
(a) Lenin's Army.
(b) The Red Army.
(c) Stalin's Army.
(d) The Black Army.

5. Who writes to tell Byron the truth about Pug and Rhoda's divorce?
(a) Pam.
(b) Pug.
(c) Madeline.
(d) Rhoda.

6. When asked, on the train ride to Auschwitz, Aaron compares Hitler to _________.
(a) Fredrick the Great.
(b) The devil.
(c) American heroes.
(d) Stalin.

7. Whom does Berel Jastrow give the secret films to in Prague?
(a) A professor.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A dentist.
(d) A contruction worker.

8. Aaron treasures his time at Theresienstadt because he found what there?
(a) Peace.
(b) God.
(c) Louis.
(d) Forgiveness.

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the three things Aaron tells Natalie a Jew must never do?
(a) Worship false gods.
(b) Kill.
(c) Fight back.
(d) Have forbidden sex.

10. While Byron is in San Francisco for repairs to his submarine, he tests a new gadget for detecting what?
(a) Mine fields.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Spies.
(d) Jews.

11. What illness is Aaron diagnosed as having while in German custody in France?
(a) Palsy.
(b) Diverticulitis.
(c) Appendicitis.
(d) Cancer.

12. When he returns to Washington at the end of the war, Pug is offered what position?
(a) Naval Liason.
(b) Naval Aide.
(c) Secretary of the Navy.
(d) Russian Ambassador.

13. Leslie disagrees with the plans of _____________who believes the Jews can all be moved from Germany.
(a) Harrison Peters.
(b) Julius Wurtweiler.
(c) Sime Anderson.
(d) Breckingridge Long.

14. What does Aaron use to try to bribe the commander of Theresienstadt to save Natalie from being transported?
(a) Diamonds.
(b) Gold watch.
(c) Money.
(d) Secret information.

15. Pam and Pug are moving into a Washington apartment that formerly belong to whom?
(a) Leslie Slote.
(b) Harrison Peters.
(c) Aaron Jastrow.
(d) Alastair Tudsbury.

Short Answer Questions

1. Peters reveals to Pug in Chapter 80 that the Army is interested in the Navy's system of processing _________.

2. What is the name of Captain Aster's executive officer on the submarine?

3. What is the name of the married man Madeline Henry is having an affair with?

4. When does the Red Cross visit Theresienstadt?

5. What kind of program has Natalie been to when she returns to her room to discover new clothes for her meeting with Eichmann?

(see the answer keys)

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