Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the narrator emerges from the bathroom after bathing and grooming for his date with the girl next door, what condition is the bathroom in?
(a) The walls are dripping wet and the paint is peeling.
(b) No soap or hot water are left.
(c) The bathroom floor is soaking wet.
(d) The room reeks of shaving cream and hair spray.

2. What does the narrator say that his family puts on their typical meals of meatloaf, red cabbage, and mashed potatoes?
(a) Gallons of ketchup.
(b) Tons of salt.
(c) Buckets of tabasco sauce.
(d) An overabundance of pepper.

3. When the narrator emerges from the bathroom after preparing for his date with Josie, his face is covered with what?
(a) Acne cream.
(b) Tissue scraps.
(c) Aftershave lotion.
(d) Band-aids.

4. Why is the adult narrator embarrassed when the doorman sees him?
(a) He forgot to tip the doorman that week.
(b) He's covered in toys from his youth, including a space helmet and a zap gun.
(c) In his hurry to open his mysterious package, he forgot to get dressed.
(d) He has chocolate on his face and spilled milk on his trousers.

5. When the doorman retrieves a childhood toy for the adult narrator, who does he have to fight for it?
(a) Thrift shop owner.
(b) Local auctioneer.
(c) Little boy who had picked it up.
(d) Senile old man who found it.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the Spring Dance is announced, who does the narrator decide to invite?

2. In what major way did Maxwell Bigelow help the community?

3. What happens to the goodnight kiss between Wanda and the narrator?

4. Mother wants the narrator to invite which girl to the prom?

5. What is the narrator wearing on his date with Daphne?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to the adult narrator's fire chief hat?

2. How does the narrator get his fire chief hat back?

3. Where does the narrator live when he is an adult?

4. Describe the narrator's experience as he waits for Josephine to finish getting ready for their date.

5. What does the narrator compare the prom to?

6. How does the narrator's date with Daphne end?

7. How does the narrator's family react when he says that he's asked Daphne Bigelow out on a date?

8. What conflict exists for the narrator regarding the night of the party that he's invited to by Josephine?

9. Describe the narrator's trip to Daphne's house.

10. What is the Wimpy Doll?

(see the answer keys)

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