Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his daydreams, the narrator envisions himself impressing his lady friend with what dance?
(a) Polka.
(b) Tango.
(c) Waltz.
(d) Lindy.

2. One of the adult narrator's prized collections is a set of first edition comics of what cartoon?
(a) Archie.
(b) Dilbert.
(c) Peanuts.
(d) Garfield.

3. When the narrator emerges from the bathroom after bathing and grooming for his date with the girl next door, what condition is the bathroom in?
(a) The bathroom floor is soaking wet.
(b) The walls are dripping wet and the paint is peeling.
(c) No soap or hot water are left.
(d) The room reeks of shaving cream and hair spray.

4. Who answers the door when the narrator goes to Daphne's house?
(a) Her father.
(b) The butler.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Daphne.

5. How does Wanda feel about the narrator?
(a) She's disgusted by what he orders at the Rooster.
(b) She thinks he's OK but she wishes Schwartz had asked her to the prom.
(c) She's had a crush on him for years and thinks she may love him.
(d) She thinks he's cute but dull.

6. How does the narrator leave the party he attends with Josie?
(a) Runs away.
(b) Drives home with Josie.
(c) Drives home alone.
(d) Rides his bike.

7. What does the narrator start to worry about at the party with Josie?
(a) That Josie is far too pretty for a regular guy like him.
(b) That he'll have to get married and drop out of high school.
(c) That her parents will never like him.
(d) That his friends will make fun of him next time they see him.

8. As the narrator nervously talks with Mr. Bigelow, he does what?
(a) Fumbles with coins and spills sherry.
(b) Accidentally calls the man Mr. Bumpus.
(c) Chokes on an appetizer and turns beet red.
(d) Brags about being a star basketball player and top student.

9. When does the narrator share with his family the news of his date with Daphne?
(a) Right after school.
(b) During dinner.
(c) As they sit in the parlor listening to the radio.
(d) While grocery shopping.

10. After his date with Daphne, how does the narrator get home?
(a) Hitches a ride.
(b) Is driven by the chauffeur.
(c) Walks.
(d) Rides his bike.

11. What do Daphne and the narrator watch at the Orpheum?
(a) Little Rascals.
(b) Charlie Chaplin movie.
(c) John Wayne movie.
(d) Gone With The Wind.

12. By the time Josie and the narrator have reached their homes walking from the grocery store, what has transpired?
(a) He has asked her out on a date.
(b) She has invited him to a party.
(c) She has told him she has a boyfriend.
(d) He has professed his love to her.

13. The narrator, as an adult, owns some fine furniture and has a what?
(a) Motorcycle.
(b) Helicopter.
(c) Doorman.
(d) Chef.

14. In Daphne's neighborhood, the narrator notices that there is no smell of oil refineries in the air and even what?
(a) The houses are bigger.
(b) The trees grow taller.
(c) The flowers are brighter.
(d) The roads are cleaner.

15. In the community, who is Maxwell Bigelow, Daphne's father?
(a) Chairman of the bank.
(b) Vice president of a steel company.
(c) Chief architect.
(d) Town mayor.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the narrator opens a package that he receives as an adult, what is the first item he pulls out?

2. What is the second item the narrator pulls out of the package he receives as an adult?

3. When the narrator goes to Pulaski's grocery store on an errand for Mother, he talks to Howie, who used to do what?

4. What does the narrator, as an adult, receive from his mother?

5. In what major way did Maxwell Bigelow help the community?

(see the answer keys)

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