Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Halfway along the journey to Michigan, what does the narrator realize he forgot to pack?
(a) Alarm clock.
(b) Camera.
(c) Comic book collection.
(d) Fishing gear.

2. The Old Man is a lifelong fan of which baseball team?
(a) Chicago White Sox.
(b) Detroit Tigers.
(c) Cincinnati Reds.
(d) New York Mets.

3. In Story One, what sport does Delbert disrupt in gym class?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Volleyball.
(c) Handball.
(d) Hockey.

4. At the start of Story Four, what reminds the narrator of his annual family vacations to Clear Lake, Michigan?
(a) Commercial.
(b) Magazine article.
(c) Souvenir.
(d) Postcard.

5. What does the narrator say to get Scut Farkas to challenge him at top spinning?
(a) "Our school has never produced a top champion."
(b) "Top spinning is the easiest thing in the world."
(c) "I can beat anybody, even the best top player here."
(d) "There's no good top men around here, anyway."

6. Where does the narrator begin training for his matches against Scut Farkas?
(a) School gym.
(b) His driveway.
(c) Flick's backyard.
(d) His basement.

7. What is the name of the school the narrator attends?
(a) Chester A. Arthur.
(b) James K. Polk.
(c) Lyndon B. Johnson.
(d) Warren G. Harding.

8. What type of student is Delbert Bumpus?
(a) One who excels in music.
(b) A disruptive one who misses a lot of school.
(c) One whom others envy.
(d) A promising one who needs bigger challenges.

9. What kind of top is the narrator looking for?
(a) Fighting top.
(b) Red top.
(c) Sparking top.
(d) Special edition top.

10. What is the Mariah?
(a) Softball.
(b) Skateboard.
(c) Yo-yo.
(d) Top.

11. When the narrator starts spinning tops against Farkas, what does he use first?
(a) A dummy top.
(b) His best top.
(c) An old, chipped top.
(d) Schwartz's champion top.

12. As the family drives to the lake, what happens when a chicken truck passes them?
(a) Randy has a sneezing fit because of his allergy to feathers.
(b) They have to put up with feathers and a foul smell for miles.
(c) It breaks down in front of them and they are stuck for hours.
(d) The contents of their roof rack fall.

13. When the Old Man gets himself a beer at the fair, what does he get for his older son?
(a) Shirley Temple.
(b) Spiced cider.
(c) Banana milkshake.
(d) Orange Nehi.

14. Who is spying on the narrator when he starts to spin tops against opponents?
(a) Delbert Bumpus.
(b) Grover Dill.
(c) Junior Kissel.
(d) Scut Farkas.

15. How does the Old Man feel about the farming exhibits at the County Fair?
(a) He couldn't care less about them.
(b) He thinks his sons should see the exhibits.
(c) He really enjoys the dairy and corn exhibits.
(d) He doesn't think they should skip any.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the boys prepare for their Michigan vacation?

2. At the end of Story Four, what does the reader learn about the narrator's fishing gear?

3. When the family finally arrives at their summer trip destination, what obstacles do they immediately encounter?

4. The narrator notes that the only way to get his father going in the morning is with what?

5. The narrator says that his family's annual trip to Michigan is bigger than what to him?

(see the answer keys)

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