Walk Two Moons Test | Final Test - Medium

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Walk Two Moons Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sal says that her mother is not gone, but is actually where?
(a) In her heart.
(b) Beside her.
(c) In the air.
(d) In the trees.

2. How do Sal and Phoebe get to the university?
(a) Sal's father drives them.
(b) The train.
(c) Sal drives them.
(d) The bus.

3. Where in the university do Sal and Phoebe try to find Mike?
(a) The dorm.
(b) The library.
(c) The cafeteria.
(d) A classroom.

4. How does Mary Lou's journal offend Beth Ann?
(a) She says that Ben Ann is not funny.
(b) She says that Beth Ann steals things.
(c) She says that Beth Ann is weird.
(d) She says that Beth Ann is boring.

5. Where is the university located?
(a) Chanting Falls.
(b) Columbus.
(c) Cincinnati.
(d) Canal-Wincester.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sal see that makes her realize that she missed the bus stop?

2. What does Gram say that Old Faithful looks like?

3. Why does Christy's journal offend Mary Lou?

4. What is different about how Mrs. Winterbottom looks when Phoebe sees her at the university?

5. When Sal tries to explain Mrs. Winterbottom's disappearance reasonably, how does Phoebe respond?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Ben write in his journal, and why does it upset Sal?

2. Why is Sal disappointed when she finds out that Mr. Birkway is Margaret's twin brother?

3. Why does Phoebe feel embarrassed when Mr. Birkway comes to her house?

4. Why do you think Gramps watches Gram so closely when they are at Old Faithful?

5. What do Sal and Phoebe discover when they go the university?

6. What does Sal realize was the reason behind her car trip to Idaho with her grandparents?

7. How does Mr. Birkway attempt to hide the identity of the journal's owners, and why does this fail?

8. What does Sal discover on her second visit to the police station?

9. How do you think Sal knows to ask for Ben's mother at the hospital?

10. Why do you think that Phoebe was so disgusted when she saw her mother with Mike at the university?

(see the answer keys)

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