Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. At the group's Sunday breakfast, how does Barbara's behavior affect Frazier?
2. As the debate continues, how do Castle and Frazier differ in their views of democracy?
3. Who is responsible for Walden Two's relationship to government in the wider society?
4. What personal attack does Frazier make in response to Castle's observation about Walden Two's lack of politics?
5. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what game does he see some playing?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Frazier's response to Castle's question about government and politics ironic?
2. What is the essence of the conflict between Castle and Frazier about democracy?
3. While on the roof, how does Frazier counter Castle's claim that life at Walden Two offers no challenge and lacks moral law?
4. Although Frazier disagrees, does Castle imply that there is indoctrination of young people at Walden Two?
5. How does the conversation that Burris has with a housewife, on his way back to his room from his investigations, confirm his conclusions about Walden Two's members?
6. Why are Steve and Mary attracted to joining Walden Two?
7. According to Frazier's explanation on the roof, what is the "Good Life"?
8. How does Frazier justify the emphasis on control at Walden Two?
9. In discussing failed communal societies, what comparisons does Frazier make between them and Walden Two?
10. As he seeks verification of the happiness of Walden Two's members, what groups does Burris encounter and what does he conclude?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Today's audiences have been fed a steady diet of science fiction through cinema, television, and theater. Discuss the pros and cons of the observation that this diet has reduced the impact of "Walden Two" as an example of this genre.
Essay Topic 2
The novel takes place almost exclusively in one setting - the confines of Walden Two. What are the limitations caused by this single setting, and what techniques does the writer use to overcome such limitations?
Essay Topic 3
Even though Frazier's role as pioneer and leader of Walden Two is beyond question, he is presented throughout the story as an unappealing person. Write an argument in support of this view and suggest reasons why you think the author portrays him in this way.
This section contains 973 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |