Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the first visitors to decide on joining Walden Two?
(a) Burris and Barbara.
(b) Burris and Rogers.
(c) Steve and Mary.
(d) Steve and Rogers.

2. What does Burris learn from the housewife that he meets on the way to his room, regarding whether she is happy?
(a) She is happy sometimes.
(b) She is very happy.
(c) She is not happy.
(d) She doesn't seem to think about happiness and seems to take it for granted.

3. After the dinner at which Burris and Frazier discuss failed communal societies, where do they hear from Frazier about the "Good Life"?
(a) The theater.
(b) The tea room.
(c) The roof.
(d) The walkway.

4. How does Frazier suggest that the growth of Walden Two will affect farmers in the future?
(a) Farmers will be integrated with Walden Two communities.
(b) Farmers will want to join Walden Two because of the emphasis on production.
(c) Farmers will have a ready market for their produce.
(d) Farmers all over the country may be forced off their land to make space for Walden Two.

5. In the discussion about Walden Two's future and the possible impact on farmers, what is Frazier's response to Castle's questions about his ideology?
(a) He accepts that he is a Fascist.
(b) He admits he has no belief in democracy, but he denies being a Fascist.
(c) He avoids answering.
(d) He accepts that he believes in aspects of both.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what complaint does he overhear?

2. What does Frazier believe is the cause of Burris' reluctance to embrace the lifestyle of Walden Two?

3. At lunch after their tour of medical facilities, Frazier expresses enthusiasm about Walden two. What is he enthusiastic about?

4. After the observation of the new arrivals, when Burris questions Frazier about the example of an aggressive adolescent, how does Frazier suggest that this would be handled at Walden Two?

5. As Burris returns to his room and meets a housewife nearby, what does he find out from her about Frazier?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Burris and Frazier are alone after rain destroys the group's plan of an afternoon walk, of what does Burris accuse Frazier, and why?

2. What is the essence of the conflict between Castle and Frazier about democracy?

3. What is Frazier's response when Castle questions his belief in democracy?

4. How does Castle seek to prove his point about personal freedom, and with what result?

5. Although Frazier disagrees, does Castle imply that there is indoctrination of young people at Walden Two?

6. How does the conversation that Burris has with a housewife, on his way back to his room from his investigations, confirm his conclusions about Walden Two's members?

7. When Frazier, Burris, and Castle take a walk outside and see a group arriving, what information is given about the growth of the community?

8. While on the roof, how does Frazier counter Castle's claim that life at Walden Two offers no challenge and lacks moral law?

9. How do the views of Castle and Frazier about freedom conflict?

10. What is Frazier's vision for Walden Two?

(see the answer keys)

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