Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what game does he see some playing?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Football.
(c) Scrabble.
(d) Chess.

2. Why does Frazier discount the merits of majority vote in the democratic system?
(a) The majority are really the pawns of a few politicians.
(b) The majority can become oppressors of the minority.
(c) The majority can be misguided.
(d) The majority can overturn what is best for society.

3. In the part of the debate when they speak about democracy, what weaknesses of this system does Frazier point out?
(a) Elections are a sham and voters know nothing about the issues.
(b) Elections are a sham and politicians manipulate voters.
(c) Elections are a sham and voters know nothing about the issues.
(d) Elections are media campaigns and a single vote doesn't really matter.

4. At the group's Sunday breakfast, how does Barbara's behavior affect Frazier?
(a) She flirts with him and he reciprocates.
(b) She flirts with him, but he responds awkwardly.
(c) She accosts him about his beliefs and he withdraws because she is a woman.
(d) She ignores him and he becomes fidgety.

5. What further clarification does Frazier give to the group about the new kind of behavioral control?
(a) He says its effectiveness has been proven at Walden Two.
(b) He says it conflicts with ideas about self-control.
(c) He says it is the basis of the practices at Walden Two.
(d) He says it is more successful than punishment.

Short Answer Questions

1. Later in the evening after Burris' investigation, who do Burris, Frazier, and Castle observe?

2. How does Frazier explain the low incidence of adultery at Walden Two?

3. In the same discussion about family life, what significant difference between traditional marriage and marriage at Walden Two does Frazier explain?

4. When questioned by Burris about young people leaving Walden Two, how does Frazier respond?

5. According to Frazier, what specific attributes does Walden Two have that will prevent its failure?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Frazier's vision for Walden Two?

2. How does Frazier justify the emphasis on control at Walden Two?

3. As he seeks verification of the happiness of Walden Two's members, what groups does Burris encounter and what does he conclude?

4. When Burris and Frazier are alone after rain destroys the group's plan of an afternoon walk, of what does Burris accuse Frazier, and why?

5. What is Frazier's response when Castle questions his belief in democracy?

6. How does Walden Two relate to government in the wider society, and what has the method accomplished?

7. How does Castle seek to prove his point about personal freedom, and with what result?

8. According to Frazier's explanation on the roof, what is the "Good Life"?

9. When Burris tries to ask Frazier about communal societies that have failed in the past, how does Frazier respond?

10. What conflicting views about life at Walden Two surface for Rogers and Barbara after they have been exposed to some of the practices like education and family life?

(see the answer keys)

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