Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the significance of the name of the passageway where the visitors first have tea?
(a) It is a biblical reference that suggests a way to heaven.
(b) It is a biblical reference that suggests perfection.
(c) It is a biblical reference that suggests salvation.
(d) It is a biblical reference that suggests the liberation of the Israelites.

2. According to Mrs. Meyerson, what is the reason behind the women's attitude to dress?
(a) They want to reduce expense.
(b) They are very modest.
(c) They want to distract the men from sexual thoughts.
(d) They do not want to be seen as objects.

3. What is the point of view in which Walden Two is written?
(a) Second person.
(b) First person narrative.
(c) Third person objective.
(d) Omniscient author.

4. As the group observes some children leaving for a picnic, what answer does Castle receive when he asks about jealousy among those left behind?
(a) Frazier says children would be punished if they displayed jealousy.
(b) Frazier explains that the children do not exhibit jealousy.
(c) Frazier says Castle is imposing adult feelings on the chidlren.
(d) Frazier says the children understand that their turn will come.

5. What assumption does Walden Two make about how to build resistance in babies?
(a) They should only be fed on organic foods.
(b) They should be quarantined.
(c) They should be introduced to frustration and illness slowly.
(d) They should only interact with their mothers.

Short Answer Questions

1. As far as men and women are concerned, which of the following best sums up the way Frazier describes the allocation of work at Walden Two?

2. How does the rearing of Walden Two children up to three-years-old compare with that of babies?

3. In the discussion about socializing children to develop ethics, what is the first lesson that Frazier describes?

4. What is the figure of speech contained in the name of the passageway where the visitors first have tea?

5. What is the highest level of community leadership at Walden Two?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the sheep that Frazier points out to the group early in their visit?

2. What evidence is there at Walden Two regarding Frazier's idea of a flourishing artistic environment?

3. What is the result of the discussion about Frazier and the action that Burris takes?

4. As the visit progresses to the next morning, what tensions emerge among the visitors themselves?

5. After breakfast, what do the visitors observe that involves children and babies?

6. What are the major features of the Walden Two approach to education?

7. What explanations does Mrs. Nash give the visitors about bringing up babies at Walden Two?

8. As the novel begins, how does Rogers explain to Burris the need that he and Steve are experiencing?

9. What three examples does Frazier give of methods used to teach children ethical behavior?

10. What is the philosophy of Walden Two about leisure?

(see the answer keys)

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