Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Final Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At lunch after their tour of medical facilities, Frazier expresses enthusiasm about Walden two. What is he enthusiastic about?
(a) That the community is economically viable.
(b) That Walden Two has attracted two new members.
(c) That the community is achieving its purpose.
(d) That Walden Two proves it can exist in the modern world.

2. After the dinner at which Burris and Frazier discuss failed communal societies, where do they hear from Frazier about the "Good Life"?
(a) The tea room.
(b) The roof.
(c) The theater.
(d) The walkway.

3. What do the visitors who want to join Walden Two have to pass?
(a) Intelligence and aptitude tests.
(b) A physical.
(c) Career tests and physicals.
(d) Physicals and intelligence tests.

4. As Burris investigates the happiness of Walden Two members, what complaint does he overhear?
(a) He hears about poor planning.
(b) He hears about boredom.
(c) He hears about lack of freedom.
(d) He hears about tyranny.

5. As Burris returns to his room and meets a housewife nearby, what does he find out from her about Frazier?
(a) She was married to Frazier.
(b) She barely knows Frazier.
(c) She is upset with Frazier's leadership.
(d) She is pleased with Frazier's leadership.

6. In the discussion about Walden Two's future and the possible impact on farmers, what is Frazier's response to Castle's questions about his ideology?
(a) He admits he has no belief in democracy, but he denies being a Fascist.
(b) He accepts that he believes in aspects of both.
(c) He avoids answering.
(d) He accepts that he is a Fascist.

7. How does Frazier suggest that the growth of Walden Two will affect farmers in the future?
(a) Farmers will want to join Walden Two because of the emphasis on production.
(b) Farmers will have a ready market for their produce.
(c) Farmers will be integrated with Walden Two communities.
(d) Farmers all over the country may be forced off their land to make space for Walden Two.

8. When questioned by Burris about young people leaving Walden Two, how does Frazier respond?
(a) He says they know they cannot do better elsewhere.
(b) He says they tell young people all about the world and even give them projects to do about issues in the outside world.
(c) He says they are forbidden to leave.
(d) He says they are too happy and productive to want to leave.

9. As Burris smokes in the garden, what thought occurs to him about the impact of his visit to Walden Two?
(a) Few people smoke, and he smokes much less than normal.
(b) Everyone smokes, so he smokes more than normal.
(c) He smokes only in the company of those who smoke.
(d) He smokes much more than normal.

10. As the visitors tour the mental and dental facilities, what is evidently the major emphasis in the approach to care?
(a) Preventative care.
(b) Family care.
(c) Emergency care.
(d) Cheap care.

11. Which one of the visitors fails to understand why anyone would want to live at Walden Two?
(a) Steve.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Castle.
(d) Mary.

12. When the group's Sunday afternoon walk is canceled due to rain, and Burris finds himself alone with Frazier and Castle, of what does Burris accuse Frazier?
(a) Of being a figurehead.
(b) Of being a manipulator and despot.
(c) Of being a Communist.
(d) Of being a tyrant.

13. According to Frazier's explanation, what effect has Walden Two's involvement in politics achieved?
(a) It has brought change to other States.
(b) It has changed laws.
(c) It has cleaned up corrupt politicians.
(d) It has brought down a President.

14. What does Burris find when he goes off by himself to investigate whether Walden Two members are happy?
(a) He finds that groups are either indifferent or very happy with Walden Two.
(b) Most people appear to be indifferent.
(c) He finds a variety of groups engaged in various ordinary activities.
(d) He finds a group whose members are definitely miserable with life at Walden Two.

15. Why does Frazier discount the merits of majority vote in the democratic system?
(a) The majority can overturn what is best for society.
(b) The majority are really the pawns of a few politicians.
(c) The majority can become oppressors of the minority.
(d) The majority can be misguided.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Frazier respond to the accusation from Burris?

2. What new kind of control does Frazier add to the Sunday evening debate about behavior control?

3. How does Frazier explain the low incidence of adultery at Walden Two?

4. When the visitors have almost completed their window washing, what is the next assignment for Rogers, Steve, and Burris?

5. What is the occupation of the housewife?

(see the answer keys)

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