Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the visitors go to their first dinner, where do they observe many of Walden Two's members gathering?
(a) The Walden Walkway.
(b) Frazier's Ladder.
(c) The Walk.
(d) Walden Corridor.

2. How does Walden Two meet its production needs when members work a relatively short work day?
(a) Workers from the nearby farms give assistance.
(b) The lifestyle does not require more.
(c) The size of the community permits this.
(d) The labor force includes adolescents and women.

3. Why does Frazier point this out to the visitors?
(a) It demonstrates the benefits of early marriage.
(b) It demonstrates the ability to control young children.
(c) It illustrates the ability of the community to control specific behaviors that suit the community's needs.
(d) It demonstrates the productivity of the sheep.

4. As the group comes across couples with babies, what views are expressed concerning the best age for marriage and child-bearing?
(a) They all believe that delaying marriage and pregnancy is best for individuals and society.
(b) They all agree that there are disadvantages to adolescent motherhood.
(c) They all agree that early child-bearing frees women to join the work force.
(d) Frazier points out the advantages at Walden Two of early marriage and parenthood, but the visitors express different views.

5. What activities does Frazier plan for the group after breakfast on the morning after their leisure activities?
(a) They will visit the schools and earn labor credits.
(b) They will have a debate about Walden Two and then do their chores.
(c) They will work and then visit churches.
(d) They will visit factories and do their work there.

6. What part does soup play in one of the lessons that the children must learn in order to internalize ethics?
(a) Children must stand before the soup for five minutes before drinking it.
(b) Children watch their peers drinking soup and go without.
(c) Children stand before the soup for half an hour before drinking it.
(d) Children have to watch adults drink soup and go without.

7. In the discussion about socializing children to develop ethics, what is the first lesson that Frazier describes?
(a) They give children sugar-covered lollipops with instructions not to lick them.
(b) They make hungry children watch adults eat their meals.
(c) They give children coloring books and crayons, which they are forbidden to use.
(d) They provide toys, which the children cannot touch.

8. As Frazier explains the operations of Walden Two to the visitors, what technique does the author use to support the ideas behind Walden Two's operations?
(a) He does not tolerate any questions from the visitors.
(b) He does not have Frazier show the visitors anything that is not working well.
(c) He keeps the visitors away from the ordinary members of Walden Two.
(d) He presents the community as one whose systems and practices are beyond question because they are already working.

9. Why are all members of Walden Two required to do physical labor?
(a) To keep them fit.
(b) To contribute to health and well-being while keeping in touch with workers.
(c) To maintain good relations with workers.
(d) To prevent obesity and health problems.

10. Early in their tour of Walden Two, the visitors learn that children do not eat with adults in the main dining room until a certain age. What age is this?
(a) Seven years.
(b) Six years.
(c) Twelve years.
(d) Ten years.

11. How does Frazier seek to integrate the visitors with the work system at Walden Two?
(a) The visitors are assigned to observe specific work groups and report on their observations.
(b) Each visitor is required to contribute two hours work per day.
(c) The visitors must work the same number of hours as the members.
(d) The visitors must work in at least two areas before they leave.

12. What is the most advanced exercise for children to learn ethics?
(a) Some children must skip one meal while others eat.
(b) Half of the children wait half-an-hour, while the other half go on eating.
(c) Children must feed their peers without getting food for themselves.
(d) Half of the children wait for five minutes while the other half go on eating.

13. What is the impact on Burris when he participates in his chosen form of entertainment?
(a) He is overcome with the idea of a Golden Age.
(b) He believes Fraizer's ideas are unrealistic.
(c) He agrees with Frazier's philosophy.
(d) He is not convinced that Walden Two has the potential for a Golden Age.

14. Who is the narrator of Walden Two?
(a) Professor Burris.
(b) Castle.
(c) Rogers.
(d) Frazier.

15. As the first discussion between Burris, Rogers, and Jamnik evolves, what does the reader learn about the attitude of the two younger men regarding their lives?
(a) They are disillusioned and in search of something different.
(b) They want to encourage others to go to war.
(c) They are searching for better careers.
(d) They are happy about their society.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the philosophy of the women as described by Mrs. Meyerson after Burris makes his comment?

2. At their first dinner, Frazier explains that Walden Two never has crowds. What is the explanation for this?

3. After dinner, as the visitors settle in the lounge, what does Frazier explain about how members of Walden Two contribute to the community?

4. Where are babies kept in the early stages of life at Walden Two?

5. Who else is invited to join the three men as they plan their visit to Walden Two?

(see the answer keys)

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