Walden Two Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 29-31.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Frazier, how do the child-rearing practices affect the development of the children?
(a) The children grow up more quickly.
(b) The children relate to adults of their choice and are less dependent on their parents.
(c) The children respect all adults.
(d) The children have less conflict with their parents.

2. What is the role of the person who is responsible for Walden Two's relationship to government in the wider society?
(a) He runs local elections.
(b) He presents Walden Two's petitions.
(c) He studies political issues and puts together the "Walden Ticket" for which all members vote.
(d) He represents Walden Two at Congress.

3. Who is the first member of Walden Two that Frazier allows the group to meet?
(a) Mrs. Frazier.
(b) Mr. Mullings.
(c) Mr. Bryson.
(d) Mrs. Meyerson.

4. After hearing about the decision of two visitors to join Walden Two, what observation does Castle make about the apparent happiness of the members of Walden Two?
(a) They seem happy because they are better off than in the outside world.
(b) They seem happy because Frazier has indoctrinated them.
(c) They are a false front engineered Frazier.
(d) They seem happy because they are simple and afraid of Frazier.

5. What does Burris learn from the housewife that he meets on the way to his room, regarding whether she is happy?
(a) She is happy sometimes.
(b) She doesn't seem to think about happiness and seems to take it for granted.
(c) She is very happy.
(d) She is not happy.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Burris smokes in the garden, what thought occurs to him about the impact of his visit to Walden Two?

2. What is the role of scientists at Walden Two?

3. As Frazier explains the operations of Walden Two to the visitors, what technique does the author use to support the ideas behind Walden Two's operations?

4. Why does the author have Burris discuss matters with the housewife that he meets on the way to his room?

5. Who else is invited to join the three men as they plan their visit to Walden Two?

(see the answer key)

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