Waiting for Lefty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Lefty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the setting of Scene 6?
(a) Hospital.
(b) Restaurant.
(c) Laboratory.
(d) Fancy office.

2. How does Fatt plan to convince the workers that strikes don't work?
(a) Present experience as evidence.
(b) Pass out copies of the Philadelphia report.
(c) Give a persuasive speech.
(d) Read them the latest edition of the newspaper.

3. What makes Clayton notorious?
(a) He has a mean streak.
(b) His father was a famous union organizer.
(c) He was a Gunman for Fatt.
(d) He has busted unions in several industries.

4. Who are the hack and his girl?
(a) Sid and Florence.
(b) Irv and Florence.
(c) Irv and Edna.
(d) Joe and Edna.

5. What upsets Benjamin most about the hospital's politics?
(a) The way he is insulted.
(b) Treating poor people differently.
(c) Dr. Barnes' lack of support.
(d) Leed's political connections.

6. In Scene 5, what city does Fatt want the workers to hear about?
(a) Pittsburgh.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) New York.

7. From what location does the Voice challenge Clayton?
(a) From the stage next to Fatt.
(b) From his chair in the audience.
(c) From the stage next to speaker.
(d) On his way out the door.

8. What metaphor do Benjamin and Dr. Barnes use to describe Benjamin's experiences with anti-Semitism?
(a) Malignant disease.
(b) Vigorous exercise.
(c) Earthquake.
(d) Stormy weather.

9. What character is making accusations against Clayton?
(a) Benjamin.
(b) The Voice.
(c) Joe.
(d) Fatt.

10. What does Sid need to satisfy Irv?
(a) An education.
(b) To ask Florence to marry him.
(c) More money.
(d) A newer car.

11. How does Clayton exit the meeting?
(a) Rushes out for the next meeting.
(b) Shakes hands with workers on the way out.
(c) Rushes out to avoid an attack from workers.
(d) Walks out slowly while talking to workers.

12. Why would the workers not want to listen to Clayton?
(a) He doesn't seem to know much about strikes.
(b) He is brought before them by Fatt.
(c) The workers are ready to go home.
(d) The workers want to hear someone else speak.

13. What unflattering terms does Dr. Barnes use to describe the board?
(a) Slops and vermin.
(b) Fossils and microbes.
(c) Fossils and slops.
(d) Vermin and toads.

14. What does Sid's brother do to deal with the trying economic times?
(a) Robs a bank.
(b) Joins the navy.
(c) Joins the union.
(d) Goes to night school.

15. What is the reason Dr. Barnes gives Benjamin for closing his ward?
(a) Loss of staff.
(b) Inadequate number of patients.
(c) Budget deficit.
(d) Change in services.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who initiates the meeting between Dr. Barnes and Benjamin?

2. What does Irv forbid Florence to do?

3. Where do Florence and Sid get the scene they act out?

4. What does Sid do while thinking about Florence before he sees her?

5. Why is Dr. Barnes upset at the beginning of Scene 6?

(see the answer keys)

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