Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Godot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vladimir asks Estragon why he keeps coming back to spend time with Vladimir if he is not happy. Estragon tells him
(a) He does not know why.
(b) He has nowhere else to go.
(c) That he found Godot.
(d) Because they are brothers.

2. At the end of the play, when Vladimir and Estragon decide to leave, where do they go?
(a) They go east.
(b) They search for the closest town.
(c) They go west.
(d) They do not move.

3. Vladimir realizes Estragon has been beaten again and tells him he wouldn't have let "them" beat Estragon because he would
(a) Help Estragon run away so he wouldn't get beaten.
(b) Ask Godot to help Estragon.
(c) Beat up all of the people who beat Estragon.
(d) Stop Estragon from doing whatever he did to receive the beating.

4. In Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon that if he will help him pick up Pozzo, they will go together to
(a) The Pyrenees.
(b) Find food for dinner.
(c) The beaches.
(d) Find Godot.

5. Estragon and Vladimir continue to discuss Pozzo's helplessness in Act II. Vladimir gets excited about the fact that, for once, they
(a) Have this chance to get back at someone.
(b) Are needed.
(c) Can ignore the situation without causing a problem.
(d) Have the upper hand.

6. As Act I is ending, the boy tells Estragon and Vladimir that Mr. Godot will not come to see them today,
(a) Because he has already seen them.
(b) But he will surely come tomorrow.
(c) And he will not be able to come to see them for some weeks.
(d) Because he has no intention of ever coming.

7. Estragon falls asleep again in Act II, and, again, Vladimir wakes him up. Estragon asks Vladimir
(a) To find him some food for dinner.
(b) Why he won't let him sleep.
(c) If Godot has come.
(d) To quit bothering him and take a nap, too.

8. In Act II, Estragon and Vladimir can find nothing that will work as a rope if they want to hang themselves, and they decide that tomorrow they will
(a) Find another way to do themselves in.
(b) Cut the tree down anyway.
(c) Bring a good piece of rope.
(d) Find Pozzo and take his rope.

9. When Vladimir tries to talk to Estragon about what happened the day before with the tree and Pozzo and Lucky, Estragon tells him
(a) He has forgotten everything.
(b) Lucky finally ran away.
(c) The tree now has leaves.
(d) Pozzo and Lucky have left.

10. Estragon tells Vladimir he threw his boots away the day before. Vladimir shows him his boots. Estragon
(a) Thanks him and puts his boots back on.
(b) Throws the boots away again because they hurt him.
(c) Gives the boots to Vladimir.
(d) Tells him they are not his boots because his were black and these are brown.

11. Vladimir asks the boy if Mr. Godot has a beard. The boy tells him that he does and that it is
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) White.
(d) Red.

12. The boy tells Vladimir that he has a brother who also works for Godot and minds the
(a) Sheep.
(b) Cows.
(c) Horses.
(d) Goats.

13. Vladimir is glad that Lucky and Pozzo return in Act II because now they will have help
(a) Chopping down the tree for firewood.
(b) Waiting for Godot.
(c) Someone to watch out while they sleep.
(d) Finding something to eat.

14. Vladimir asks the boy if he is unhappy and, just as Act I is ending, the boy tells him that he
(a) Doesn't care if he is unhappy or happy.
(b) Is very happy.
(c) Is very unhappy.
(d) Doesn't know if he is unhappy or not.

15. In Act II, Vladimir tells Estragon that he woke him up
(a) Because dinner was ready.
(b) Because he thought Estragon was rude to go to sleep.
(c) To tell him that Godot had arrived.
(d) Because he was lonely.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Vladimir suggest he and Estragon pretend to be or fun in Act II?

2. In Act I, Estragon and Vladimir ask the boy why he is so late in coming. The boy tells them he has been waiting because he was

3. What is Estragon's reply when Vladimir tells him he cannot go barefoot in Act 1?

4. Vladimir tells Estragon, at the end of the second act, that if Godot comes,

5. In Act II, Estragon and Vladimir talk aimlessly for awhile and have a hard time keeping up the conversation. Vladimir begs Estragon to speak. Finally, Estragon asks what they should do now, and Vladimir tells him they should

(see the answer keys)

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