Waiting for Godot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Godot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Pages 44-54.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act II, Estragon and Vladimir are agitated because someone is coming so they decide to
(a) Go looking for Godot to save them.
(b) Go find something to eat.
(c) Hide behind the tree.
(d) Run far away.

2. While Pozzo is talking to Estragon and Vladimir in Act I, Pozzo tells them he is going to get rid of Lucky. Estragon and Vladimir
(a) Leave the stage.
(b) Offer to buy Lucky.
(c) Pay no attention to either Pozzo or Lucky.
(d) Are shocked that he would want to get rid of such a faithful servant.

3. As they are preparing to leave at the end of Act I, Estragon looks at the tree and tells Vladimir that
(a) It looks like an apple tree.
(b) They could use the tree for fire wood.
(c) It's too bad they don't have some rope.
(d) The tree looks like it might be dying.

4. Vladimir realizes Estragon has been beaten again and tells him he wouldn't have let "them" beat Estragon because he would
(a) Ask Godot to help Estragon.
(b) Beat up all of the people who beat Estragon.
(c) Help Estragon run away so he wouldn't get beaten.
(d) Stop Estragon from doing whatever he did to receive the beating.

5. Who does Vladimir suggest he and Estragon pretend to be or fun in Act II?
(a) Each other.
(b) The boy and his brother.
(c) Lucky and Pozzo.
(d) Godot, and see who has the better impersination.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act II, Estragon and Vladimir talk aimlessly for awhile and have a hard time keeping up the conversation. Vladimir begs Estragon to speak. Finally, Estragon asks what they should do now, and Vladimir tells him they should

2. Estragon and Vladimir talk about what they asked Godot for and recall asking him for

3. During the first act, when Estragon complains because Vladimir woke him up, Vladimir tells Estragon he woke him up because

4. During the beginning of the first act, while Vladimir is pacing back and forth, Estragon

5. When Pozzo tells Estragon to give Lucky his hat so Lucky can entertain them, Estragon says

(see the answer key)

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