Waiting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Waiting Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long have Lin and Shuyu been separated for at the beginning of "Waiting"?
(a) Two years.
(b) Eighteen years.
(c) Four months.
(d) Seven years.

2. Who does Lin believe is the key player in making his divorce successful?
(a) Shuyu.
(b) Ran Su.
(c) Manna.
(d) Bensheng.

3. Why must Lin accompany Manna and Liang Meng's meeting at the hospital?
(a) To chaperone.
(b) To sabotage their relationship.
(c) To encourage conversation.
(d) To protect Manna.

4. Why does Geng Yang think Lin should sleep with Manna?
(a) To motivate himself to divorce Shuyu.
(b) For enjoyment.
(c) To make Manna undesirable to other men.
(d) To have a child.

5. What is Commissar Wei's reason for wanting to discontinue his relationship with Manna?
(a) She smells bad.
(b) She is too old.
(c) She has poor handwriting.
(d) He knows about her and Lin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Geng Yang ask Manna to come to his room?

2. What does Liang Meng give as his reason for staying in Muji City for the summer?

3. Where did Manna Wu's parents die?

4. After being deployed, what does Mai Dong write to Manna to tell her?

5. Where does Lin Kong's wife, Shuyu, live?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why has Lin doubted himself of being a "normal" man? How does he gauge "normal?"

2. Why is Lin ashamed that he asks Manna to share the cost of the bribe?

3. Since Manna and Lin broke up, what has Manna been doing to spite Lin? How does this reach its climax in Chapter 10?

4. Why does Shuyu's brother object to Lin's wish for a divorce?

5. How do the two men in Manna's life in Chapter 4 leave her between a rock and a hard place?

6. Although a relationship between Manna and Liang Meng is Lin's idea, what is his attitude? Why?

7. Why does Manna help Lin put dust covers on his books?

8. After Lin begins to try in earnest to divorce Shuyu, what are the new dilemmas that arise?

9. Why does Lin discourage Manna from joining any of the revolutionary parties in the hospital?

10. Why is Lin concerned that Bensheng invites Ren to his house?

(see the answer keys)

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