Waiting for Normal Test | Final Test - Medium

Leslie Connor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Normal Test | Final Test - Medium

Leslie Connor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Elliot say Addie might do some day?
(a) Show her mother how smart Addie is.
(b) Be a famous musician.
(c) Move to live with Hannah and Dwight.
(d) Write a hit song.

2. What does Denise give Addie permission to do?
(a) Change schools.
(b) Spend a week with Dwight and Hannah.
(c) Go over to Soula's each day to help out.
(d) Take music lessons.

3. Why has Dwight taken Brynna to see a therapist?
(a) Brynna has a hard time coping with missing Denise.
(b) Brynna has started waking in the middle of the night screaming.
(c) Brynna was injured in a car accident.
(d) Brynna has started wetting the bed.

4. Why does Addie invite Hannah to sit by the fire after dinner?
(a) To ask Hannah some questions.
(b) To have some time with Dwight by herself without Hannah.
(c) To spend some time with the Littles.
(d) To show Hannah her flute.

5. What does Addie decide after she and Hannah laugh together?
(a) That Hannah is a fake.
(b) That Hannah will be good for Dwight.
(c) That Addie really likes Hannah.
(d) That she thinks Hannah is better than Denise.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Addie decide on the last night of her visit with Dwight and his family?

2. What does Addie say when Dwight asks her to visit?

3. How many reasons does Addie say she has to change her life again?

4. What does Addie decide when she wakes for school after Thanksgiving?

5. Why is Addie disappointed when she gets home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Denise ask Addie concerning Dwight's house and what is Addie's response?

2. What does Grandio give Addie and how does she react?

3. What conversation does Addie overhear the night before she is leaving and how does she feel?

4. How does Hannah sum up her past to Addie?

5. What business does Hannah have and how do the girls help Hannah in the business?

6. How does Addie "check out" Hannah?

7. Describe Addie's Christmas with her mother.

8. What does Mommers say that completely dumbfounds Addie when Addie is talking to Mommers?

9. What does Addie's mommers say when she drives up and what is in the car?

10. What is the dress like that Mommers buys Addie for her recital and what is Addie's response?

(see the answer keys)

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