Waiting for Anya Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Anya Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the church like on the night of the special Mass?
(a) Completely full
(b) Only the Germans were there.
(c) Only the villagers were there.
(d) No-one showed up.

2. What does Benjamin do before they leave to drive the sheep up the mountain?
(a) He thanks the Corporal for helping them.
(b) He prays.
(c) He cries.
(d) He grabs Anya's hand.

3. How did Laurent feel about his own father?
(a) He thought his father was dead.
(b) He really missed him.
(c) He loved him as a hero.
(d) He didn't like him and didn't want his father to come home.

4. What does Grandpere admit he is doing with Madame Horcada?
(a) He is trying to ignore her.
(b) He admits that he is courting her.
(c) He is treating her as a charity project.
(d) He is helping her because if his friendship with her dead spouse.

5. Where did the children hide at the top of the mountain?
(a) Behind rocks
(b) In the cabin on the mountain
(c) In the cave
(d) Behind trees

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Papa react to the soldiers?

2. How did Madame Hocada's husband die?

3. What happened to Hubert after the war?

4. What did the villagers bring up the mountain?

5. How did the widow react to the news that the soldiers were coming?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the Germans respond to the sheep herding?

2. What happens when the Germans arrive?

3. How did Hubert react to the news that the Germans were leaving?

4. What is the children's new hiding spot like, and how did they find it?

5. What does Jo do when the German's come to Madame Horcada's house after his Grandpere leaves?

6. What happened to the German troops when the war ended?

7. Where does Grandpere go when the Germans come to Madame Horcada's house?

8. What happened when Jo saw Benjamin and Leah in town?

9. After Benjamin and Leah are sent away, what thought comforts Jo?

10. Who visits Jo at the very end of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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