Waiting for Anya Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waiting for Anya Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Grandpere bring home from Widow Horcada's?
(a) Pigs
(b) Eggs
(c) Honey
(d) Money

2. How would Benjamin disguise himself at the farm?
(a) He would put the widow's shawl over his head.
(b) He dressed like a vagabond.
(c) He shaved his head and dirtied his face.
(d) He wore a mask.

3. How does Jo get the Corporal to stop helping him?
(a) He says he won't get paid.
(b) He runs away.
(c) He yells at the man then stomps off.
(d) He tells the Corporal he hates him.

4. How many children were in the barn when the cow went dry?
(a) Just Leah
(b) Ten
(c) 2
(d) 5

5. What new rule did the Germans initiate in the town when they moved in?
(a) There was to be a strict curfew.
(b) They had to give the Germans a portion of their food supply.
(c) They couldn't write any more letters to their loved ones.
(d) They had to use German money.

6. Why didn't Jo worry about the sheep?
(a) They could fend for themselves.
(b) He knew Hubert would take care of them and bring them home.
(c) He hated them anyway.
(d) He knew they would wander home.

7. Who did Jo encounter as he looked for Benjamin?
(a) A German patrol
(b) His sister
(c) Grandpere
(d) The corporal

8. Where did Jo think Benjamin and Leah might be hiding if they hadn't been caught?
(a) In the water
(b) In Papa's hut
(c) In some bushes
(d) Behind a tree

9. What did the widow ask if Jo could do?
(a) Check on her horse
(b) Wash her car
(c) Leave the room
(d) Carry her purchases home for her weekly

10. What job did Jo have when the book started?
(a) He was watching the sheep.
(b) He worked at the store.
(c) He played the organ in church
(d) He tended the fire at the schoolhouse.

11. How old was Jo when the book began?
(a) 15
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 5

12. Where were Benjamin and Leah hiding?
(a) In an abandoned car
(b) Up in a tree
(c) In the swamp
(d) In a cave by the stream that they used as a donkey shed

13. Why is the man hiding?
(a) He made people angry, and they want to kill him.
(b) He has some valuables he is protecting for someone else.
(c) He is a Jew.
(d) He is a criminal on the run.

14. What did the situation make Benjamin determined to do?
(a) Go back into hiding
(b) Find a way past the soldiers to get to freedom
(c) Break the soldier's leg
(d) Find his daughter

15. Why did Laurent ask Jo to be his accomplice?
(a) Jo always went along with his schemes.
(b) Jo had a deep voice.
(c) Jo never got in trouble.
(d) Jo was great at making strategies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was a sign of spring in the village?

2. Who helped Jo with the sheep after the soldiers came to town?

3. What did the man agree to do?

4. How does the man introduce himself?

5. Why did the man stay with the widow?

(see the answer keys)

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