Wade in the Water: Poems Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Smith, Tracy K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wade in the Water: Poems Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Smith, Tracy K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Notes and Acknowledgments.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. “The Greatest Personal Privation” and “Unwritten” come from letters written between whom?
(a) The Jones family slaves.
(b) The Mary and Charles Colcock Jones family.
(c) Mary Jones and her sister.
(d) The Jones family and their slaves.

2. In “Watershed,” in italics, he, assumed to be God, is telling the person in space what?
(a) How the earth is just a dead thing you can claim.
(b) How the earth is for mankind to do with it as he wishes.
(c) How the earth used to be much larger.
(d) How the earth is a being all its own and has been weakened.

3. How is love described as pain, when singing "Wade in the Water"?
(a) Having to take a bath when you would rather still be out playing.
(b) Allowing one to feel what it was to run away, being chased by dogs and guns, and so many not surviving the escape.
(c) Feeling the pain of those who were forced to wade in the water.
(d) Loving one's first swim lessons.

4. In Acknowledgments, the poet is thankful for whom?
(a) Several editors of journals in which the poems were first printed.
(b) Her family and friends.
(c) Her editor.
(d) The people who inspired her.

5. In "4 ½," the speaker describes a little girl who is either found asleep with her stuffed animals in the morning or doing what?
(a) Barging into her mother’s room to wake her up and tell her she has to pee.
(b) Playing with her toys in her room.
(c) Running around the house asking for breakfast.
(d) Crying for Mommy to come play with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. There was love in the water, where the people pretended to do what?

2. In “Theatrical Improvisation,” In the back of the house, one person begins to do what?

3. In “The United States Welcomes You,” the speaker asks why the person is afraid and what else?

4. In “New Road Station,” what is history?

5. In “Theatrical Improvisation,” the sections in italics are from what?

(see the answer key)

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