Wade in the Water: Poems Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Smith, Tracy K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wade in the Water: Poems Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Smith, Tracy K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In “Unrest in Baton Rouge,” how is love described?
(a) Bleeding out.
(b) A heart cut open and cleaned like a dead animal.
(c) A total loss.
(d) An alien idea.

2. In "Declaration," the people have reminded those in power of how they came to live in this nation, taken captive where?
(a) In the cotton fields.
(b) In the wild west.
(c) On the high seas.
(d) From their native lands.

3. In "Garden of Eden," why does the narrator's arm get sore?
(a) From flagging down a taxi.
(b) From playing on a jungle gym.
(c) From carrying a basket full of pastries and produce.
(d) From working out at the gym.

4. How does "Ghazal" end?
(a) Say my name! Say my name!
(b) What is in a name?
(c) Our name our name our name our fraught, fraught name.
(d) Oh what a beautiful thing it is to have a name.

5. What is the reason Mary gives for why it would not be in the best interest of the slaves to be set free?
(a) They could not survive among free society.
(b) They are in a degraded state.
(c) They cannot be trusted.
(d) They are too needed on the plantation.

Short Answer Questions

1. “New Road Station” begins by talking about what?

2. In "The World is Your Beautiful Younger Sister," the world is compared to what?

3. The speaker of "The Greatest Personal Privation" is happy to live without these troubles of slavery and is what?

4. In “Theatrical Improvisation,” In the back of the house, one person begins to do what?

5. In “Unrest in Baton Rouge,” the narrator describes how people watch and are saddened by violent actions but then do what?

(see the answer key)

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