Voyagers to the West Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Voyagers to the West Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What other location would sellers avoid?
(a) Places that are too far inland.
(b) Places that are too close to the water.
(c) Places that make the servants uncomfortable.
(d) Places that are difficult for buyers to get to.

2. How might garrisons and roads be created?
(a) The Portuguese government is more likely to invest in these building projects.
(b) The Spanish government is more likely to invest in these building projects.
(c) The French government is more likely to invest in these building projects.
(d) The Italian government is more likely to invest in these building projects.

3. When these recruiters confronted the victims about their debt, what choices are they given?
(a) Servitude or slavery.
(b) Debtors' prison or servitude.
(c) Death or debtors' prison.
(d) Death or servitude.

4. At a minimum, how many immigrants arrived in New York from Britain in the two years before the war and it is likely that another 1,300 also arrived?
(a) 5,000.
(b) 3,000.
(c) 2,000.
(d) 4,000.

5. Where is a new British naval base and provincial capital built?
(a) At Boston.
(b) At Vermont.
(c) At Quebec.
(d) At Halifax.

Short Answer Questions

1. The first settlers into the new British territory began in what year?

2. Where does James Hogg try to settle 200 Scottish Highlanders?

3. What society was made up on 40 to 50 merchants, noblemen, and entrepreneurs who wanted to develop new properties in America?

4. From where is James Hogg?

5. What does the Register bring into focus?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are servants paid?

2. What is known about those who voyaged to the American colonies?

3. What is unique about James Hogg's departure for North Carolina?

4. When did the first settler begin arriving in the new British territory? What information does the author give about this?

5. What does the Register reveal about Whitby?

6. Who first inspected the province? What did they see?

7. What does the author say about Nova Scotia in the period before the American Revolution?

8. How else do merchants recruit workers?

9. What is one way that West Florida differs from East Florida? Is this good? Why or why not?

10. How are indentured servants often sold?

(see the answer keys)

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