Voyagers to the West Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Voyagers to the West Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bailyn turns his attention to where the emigrants migrated to in North America. How does he argue that they travel to all the colonies?
(a) They often purchase their own vessels for the journey.
(b) They travel to all the colonies in equal amounts.
(c) They do not travel to all the colonies in equal amounts.
(d) They all take the same few boats.

2. As what do the colonies become known?
(a) A threat to British power.
(b) A no man's land.
(c) A savage land.
(d) A potential gold mine in land values, consumer markets, and so on.

3. What types of groups of emigrants leave steadily over the months for North America?
(a) Large.
(b) Medium.
(c) Very large.
(d) Small.

4. What does Bailyn say about what these patterns show about the migration from Britain to America?
(a) A small amount of movement of people.
(b) A movement that, at times, seems to have a pattern.
(c) A unorganized movement of people.
(d) A discrete and patterned movement of people.

5. How is this concentration of ages markedly different from the overall percentage of British citizens and from the population of the American colonies?
(a) Over half of the free population was over the age of 40.
(b) Over half of the free population was under the age of 10.
(c) Over half of the free population was under the age of 21.
(d) Over half of the free population was over the age of 21.

Short Answer Questions

1. To where do they immigrate?

2. Do British officials pay much attention at first to the settlement of western lands in America or to emigration from Britain to the colonies?

3. The English migrants most often went to Pennsylvania, Maryland and ________.

4. At this time, most individuals concerned with emigration focused on what?

5. What closes the trans-Appalachian west, except to licensed traders, and created the colonies of Quebec, East and West Florida?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is known about correlation between age and where the emigrants migrated?

2. What is eighteenth century America like?

3. What does the author say about how the immigrants arrived in the Americas?

4. What is known about most of the families who emigrated?

5. How do most of the emigrants travel? Why?

6. What is the age range for emigrants? What is important about this?

7. Who is the Earl of Hillsborough?

8. After skilled artisans such as those trained in construction, what group do the colonists seek?

9. What does Bailyn say about the vessels traveling to America?

10. What is Bailyn's first impression of British life in the years leading up to the American Revolution?

(see the answer keys)

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