Volpone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Volpone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Corbaccio bring as a gift for Valpone?
(a) A bouquet of flowers.
(b) A gold plate.
(c) A new puppy.
(d) A vial of medicine.

2. Which of the following terms do Mosca and Valpone use to describe their visitors?
(a) Freaks.
(b) Animals.
(c) Gentlemen.
(d) Fools.

3. Who does Mosca tell Voltore he is sure will be named Valpone's heir?
(a) Voltore.
(b) Castrone.
(c) Mosca.
(d) Nano.

4. Who does Nano trace Valpone's soul back to?
(a) Pythagoras.
(b) Apollo.
(c) Venus.
(d) Zeus.

5. Who does Valpone enlist to be his number one man in making Celia his?
(a) Nano.
(b) Castrone.
(c) Androgyno.
(d) Mosca.

6. How does Corvino respond to Mosca's proposal of violence?
(a) He ignores Mosca completely
(b) He refuses.
(c) He tells Mosca that he will consider it.
(d) He agrees.

7. How long does Jonson say it took him to write the entire play?
(a) Five weeks.
(b) Five years.
(c) Five days.
(d) Five months.

8. What is Valpone pretending to do when Corbaccio enters the room?
(a) Pray.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Vomit.
(d) Cry.

9. Who does Mosca claim offered their virginal daughter to Valpone?
(a) The butcher.
(b) The priest.
(c) The seamstress.
(d) The doctor.

10. Which of the following adjectives best describes the character Corbaccio?
(a) Old.
(b) Foreign.
(c) Young.
(d) Dangerous.

11. Which is the second university that Jonson dedicates his play to?
(a) New York University.
(b) Brown University.
(c) Cambridge University.
(d) East Anglia University.

12. How does Valpone feel about doctors?
(a) He is terrified of them.
(b) He is apathetic to them.
(c) He admires them.
(d) He despises them.

13. Which of the following is NOT a reason Mosca gives to Corbaccio for renaming Valpone as his own heir?
(a) Corbaccio will surely outlive Valpone and can change his will again later.
(b) Valpone will greatly appreciate the gesture.
(c) Valpone will be forced to return the favor by renaming Corbaccio as his heir.
(d) Corbaccio's family is dishonest and plotting to kill the old man themselves.

14. What does Corbaccio wish to have restored to him?
(a) His youth.
(b) His family.
(c) His speech.
(d) His fortune.

15. How does Peregrine react to his conversation with Sir Political Would-Be?
(a) He is pleased to see him.
(b) He ignores Sir Politic completely.
(c) He is afraid of Sir Politic's temper.
(d) He is annoyed with their conversation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Valpone's two men dressed as when they arrive at Celia's home?

2. What is the name of Valpone's character when he arrives at Celia's?

3. Who prompted Sir Polical Would-Be to visit Venice?

4. What is an acrostic?

5. Which of Valpone's two men arrive first at Celia's home?

(see the answer keys)

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