Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Easy

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Voices from the Harlem Renaissance Test | Final Test - Easy

Nathan Huggins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of Hughes's poem that points out that artistic endeavors can release the "hurt in your heart"?
(a) "Heat".
(b) "Hurt".
(c) "Hurt Heart".
(d) "Heart".

2. In the poem "If We Must Die", what does McKay compare the killings of his race to?
(a) Deer.
(b) Hogs.
(c) Turkey.
(d) Genocide.

3. What animal remains by Aunt Judy Bickerstaff in "Uncle Monday" until she begins to doubt herself?
(a) A crocodile.
(b) A snake.
(c) A giraffe.
(d) An alligator.

4. What does the author of "The Negro Digs Up His Past" conclude with?
(a) With a song.
(b) With a challenge to the Negro race.
(c) With a poem.
(d) He presents an idea that a new day has come for Negroes.

5. What term is coined to mean that African Americans do not produce art specific to their race due to the absorption of American ways?
(a) Negromerican.
(b) Afromerican.
(c) Caucagro.
(d) Aframerican.

6. Who first sees Uncle Monday in Hurston's story "Uncle Monday"?
(a) Joeseph Lies.
(b) Lindsey Joeseph.
(c) Joey Lawrence.
(d) Joe Lindsay.

7. When was "Fifty Years" written?
(a) The 50th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.
(b) The 50th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.
(c) 50 years after slavery ends.
(d) 50 years before slavery begins.

8. How many pieces of art does the last section in "Afro-American Past - History and Folk Tradition" have?
(a) 51.
(b) 26.
(c) 25.
(d) 20

9. How does Hurston originally define the word "jook"?
(a) A song.
(b) A food.
(c) A bawdy house.
(d) A type of person.

10. What is the name of the woman in "Go Down Death"?
(a) Charlize.
(b) Carol.
(c) Carolyn.
(d) Caroline.

11. What characteristics are given to Sweetie Mary Carr?
(a) Crude and funny.
(b) Fat and ugly.
(c) Vulagr and old.
(d) Funny and vulgar.

12. Who believes Africans did not add any words to the English language?
(a) No one.
(b) Some etymologists.
(c) Hurston.
(d) Hughes.

13. How many poems of Countee Cullen's follow "Spiritual and Neo-Spiritual" in the section "Alien Gospel or Source of Inspiration?; Alienation, Anger, Rage"?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 2.

14. Who is the 3 line poem about?
(a) The Union Soldiers.
(b) George Washington.
(c) Jesus.
(d) God.

15. Who argues that Negroes did alter the English language?
(a) No one.
(b) Hurston.
(c) Some etymologists.
(d) Hughes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the title of the essay by Langston Hughes that delves into the racial stumbling block Negro artists face?

2. Who is the author of "The Negro-Art Hokum"?

3. What is the title of the poem that expresses McKay's love and hatred for America?

4. According to Hughes, what does he find to be a subconscious belief in most Negro homes?

5. Who arrived in America as a child and was purchased by a man in Boston?

(see the answer keys)

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