Visit to a Small Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Visit to a Small Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What finally causes Conrad to fight?
(a) The aide thinking of sex with Conrad.
(b) The aide thinking of sex with Reba.
(c) The aide thinking of sex with Ellen.
(d) The aide thinking of sex with Powers.

2. What will the military not do in response to information that Kreton is a mammal?
(a) Kill him.
(b) Let him go.
(c) Try to dissect him.
(d) Run tests on him.

3. what does Kreton admit to Rosemary he has done?
(a) Conquered the world.
(b) Chased a cat.
(c) Eaten a mouse.
(d) Started a war.

4. What does Ellen do with the book in Act II?
(a) She draws in it.
(b) She memorizes the first page.
(c) She tears it in half.
(d) She throws it away.

5. What does Ellen do in response?
(a) Lifts the cat with her mind.
(b) Lifts the television with her mind.
(c) Lifts a mouse with her mind.
(d) Lifts the vase with her mind.

6. What does Ellen want Kreton to teach her after the first mind trick?
(a) How to teleport.
(b) How to see through walls.
(c) How to fly.
(d) How to read minds.

7. Who does Kreton try to recruit to mate with Ellen?
(a) The Captain.
(b) Powers.
(c) Conrad.
(d) Rosemary.

8. What is Kreton doing for the first time following Roger's broadcast?
(a) Watching television.
(b) Taking a bath.
(c) Driving a car.
(d) Reading a book.

9. Why is Kreton surprised sex is such a taboo topic?
(a) It isn't taboo on his planet.
(b) It is a fun activity.
(c) It is frightening to watch.
(d) People revel in public executions.

10. Why does Kreton claim his race is perfect?
(a) They have no children.
(b) They have no soul.
(c) They have no morals.
(d) They have no passion.

11. What two elements does Kreton link together as he tries to entice Conrad to war?
(a) Aggression and hatred.
(b) Hatred and love.
(c) Sex and aggression.
(d) Love and honor.

12. What will Kreton's force field put out of business?
(a) Electric fences.
(b) Radar.
(c) Locks.
(d) Invisible fences.

13. What does Ellen announce she will do at the end of the Act, in regard to Conrad?
(a) Beat him.
(b) Marry him.
(c) Leave him.
(d) Sleep with him.

14. What does Kreton believe is a symbol for sex?
(a) The rose.
(b) The lion.
(c) The telephone.
(d) The snake.

15. Why does Ellen claim Conrad doesn't want to join the army?
(a) He doesn't like travel.
(b) He doesn't like fighting.
(c) He doesn't like people.
(d) He doesn't like his country.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kreton gather is unacceptable regarding sleeping arrangements?

2. What does Powers claim is the reason for Claypoole's desire to bring him down?

3. Why does Ellen claim she can't marry Conrad?

4. What does Powers tell Kreton he is to the military?

5. Who is on Roger's evening broadcast?

(see the answer keys)

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