Visit to a Small Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Visit to a Small Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is above the television in the study?
(a) A spaceship.
(b) A lamp.
(c) A globe.
(d) A plant.

2. What type of trip does Kreton say the trip to Earth was?
(a) A pleasure trip.
(b) A business trip.
(c) A social trip.
(d) An educational trip.

3. Why is Roger worried about the evening's broadcast?
(a) He is afraid his hair is imperfect.
(b) He is wrongfully telling people aliens do not exist.
(c) He is warning America of war.
(d) He is afraid he will stutter.

4. What does Kreton admit he can do with time?
(a) Live in it.
(b) Alter it.
(c) Travel through it.
(d) Make it go backward.

5. To where does Tom lead Reba and Roger to show them the spacecraft?
(a) To the television.
(b) To the military base.
(c) To a picture in a book.
(d) To the terrace.

6. What does Roger tell Ellen to marry for?
(a) Children.
(b) World peace.
(c) Money.
(d) Love.

7. How is Kreton dressed?
(a) In fashion of 1860.
(b) In modern fashion.
(c) In fashion of 1900.
(d) He is not dressed.

8. What is on Reba's mind at the end of Act 1?
(a) Her husband's hair piece.
(b) Whether there will be enough chicken.
(c) How handsome Kreton is.
(d) Her daughter's health.

9. Where does the spaceship land?
(a) The yard.
(b) The driveway.
(c) The beach.
(d) The rose garden.

10. Who is in the living room at the opening of the play?
(a) Ellen and Roger.
(b) Reba and Roger.
(c) Tom and Reba.
(d) Roger and Tom.

11. What does Roger say is the only organism on Mars?
(a) Trees.
(b) Fish.
(c) Fungus.
(d) Amoeba.

12. What does Kreton put around the ship?
(a) A moat.
(b) An electric fence.
(c) A ring of fire.
(d) An invisible wall.

13. Why is Conrad forced to spend the night?
(a) The family cannot exit because of the spaceship.
(b) The family is under house arrest.
(c) Conrad wants to visit with the alien.
(d) Conrad is marrying Ellen.

14. What adjective does Kreton use to describe hydrogen?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Entertaining.
(c) Scary.
(d) Fun.

15. What problem do Reba and Roger have with watching Roger's television appearance?
(a) The television has no sound.
(b) The television picture is fuzzy.
(c) The television is in another room.
(d) The television has no picture.

Short Answer Questions

1. What power does Kreton have?

2. How many other members of Kreton's race have visited Earth?

3. What does Ellen notice Roger has in the television appearance?

4. Of what type of metal is Kreton's ship made?

5. How does Kreton explain that he lives both on another planet and not on another planet?

(see the answer keys)

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